melologue是什么意思 melologue的中文翻译、读音、例句

melologue是什么意思 melologue的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:We don't have a lot of true bigs, so me and 'Melo gotta do a good job of helping. (我们没有多少大个子,所以阿梅和我要做很多辅助工作。)


例句:At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle. (在xx年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。)


1. BARBARA KLEIN: This program was written and produced by Dana Demange with reporting by Susan Logue. (翻译:巴巴拉·克莱因:这一方案是由笔试和达纳德芒热产生与苏珊·洛格报告。)

2. It states that royce Walker found out logue was an undercover officer and ordered a hit on him. (翻译:它指出,劳斯莱斯沃克 发现罗格 是一个卧底人员 并下令对他的一击。)

3. Now you have Chauncey and Carmelo isolated on one side of the floor with Melo having great post position. (翻译:这样比卢普斯和安东尼各自站一端,同时安东尼就会有很好的背身位置。)

4. In fact, he said Stefanski would warrant the regal moniker even if he made the trade and 'Melo only played one minute in a Sixers uniform. (翻译:他说,事实上,如果斯特范斯基达成了这单交易,那么哪怕是甜瓜仅仅为76人出战一分钟,斯特范斯基都将保证获得那华丽的绰号。)

5. - Stacy bit my toe off. - Then Melo freaks out... (翻译:斯德茜咬掉了我的脚趾头 门罗给吓坏了...)

6. That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player. (翻译:最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。)

7. Logue, in full court costume, was rather conscious of his silk-stockinged legs and had to keep taking care not to trip over his sword. (翻译:罗格穿着全套宫廷服饰,对腿上的银丝袜相当留意,以防被佩剑绊倒。)

8. He said he wants to challenge many different characters such as a scamp not only a melo-character. (翻译:他说,他想挑战多种不同的字符,如恶棍不仅达拉梅洛字符。)

9. After Melo and Jovetic, viola board would have engaged also the brazilian goalie Fabio of Cruzeiro, in case of Frey departure. (翻译:在确定了梅洛和约韦蒂奇后,紫百合将目光放在了克鲁塞罗德巴西门将法比奥,以防弗雷离开。)

10. If they get 'Melo, they get him on the agent's desire to include cap-crushing Richard Hamilton(notes) into the deal. (翻译:如果他们得到了卡梅隆,他们就得接受经纪人把能挤爆工资帽的汉密尔顿加到交易中。)

11. Brazil began to unravel when Felipe Melo jumped in front of keeper Julio Cesar and inadvertently headed the ball into his net. (翻译:在菲利佩.梅洛跳到守门员JulioCesar之前无意将球引入自家球门之后,巴西队开始分散开来。)

12. No one in Serie A has three strong central midfielders like Aquilani, Marchisio and Melo. Just one of them would make any Coach happy. (翻译:没有其他任何一支意甲球队可以拥有一个由阿奎拉尼,马尔基西奥以及梅洛所组成的强大的中场线。)

13. The copy in Logue's archive contains handwritten pencil notes, indicating what words to stress and where to pause. (翻译:Logue保存的材料中包括手写的演讲稿,其中标注了哪些单词该读重音,哪里该停顿等。)

14. In The King's Speech, George VI received help from Lionel Logue, by listening to music and singing to speak easier. (翻译:在《国王的演讲》中,乔治六世在莱昂内尔.罗格用的帮助下,通过听音乐和唱歌来使说话变得容易。)

15. At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle. (翻译:在xx年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。)

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