outlets for goods是什么意思 outlets for goods的中文翻译、读音、例句

outlets for goods是什么意思 outlets for goods的中文翻译、读音、例句

outlets for goods的中文解释是"商品销售市场",在日常中也代表"商品销售市场"的意思,读音为[outletsforgoods],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到19个与outlets for goods相关的句子。

Outlets for goods的中文翻译


例句:Er, we need to see the goods. (额 我们得验下货 Er, we need to see the goods.)


outlets for goods一般作为名词使用,如在electric outlets([医]电器外线出口)、electrical outlets(n. 插座)、factory outlets([网络] 厂家直销点;厂家直销中心;名牌工厂直销店)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric outlets[医]电器外线出口
electrical outletsn. 插座
factory outlets[网络] 厂家直销点;厂家直销中心;名牌工厂直销店
media outlets[网络] 媒体;媒介业务;媒体播送管道
outlets capacity出线容量
outlets for investments投资场所
retail outlets零售店
the goods[网络] 商品;货物;那些物品是用飞机运输的
digital goods[网络] 数字商品;数码产品;软件公司数码产品


1. They also turned to foreign tv outlets especially the BBC. (翻译:他们也转向国外电视 的店铺,特别是BBC。)

2. There are two banks and a post office on campus, as well as many different catering outlets and a launderette . (翻译:学校内有两间银行、一间邮局,许多商行和自助洗衣店。)

3. Imports, movements of goods, have all ceased. (翻译:进口 商品流动 全部中止 Imports, movements of goods, have all ceased.)

4. Capital goods are used to facilitate the production of consumer goods. (翻译:生产资料用于促进消费品的生产。)

5. Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Allies control several outlets. (翻译:首相洪森和他的盟友控制者几家媒体宣传。)

6. All right, when do I get my goods? (翻译:All right, when do I get my goods?)

7. Master Bruce has his outlets. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}布鲁斯老爷有他的办法 Master Bruce has his outlets.)

8. Colin Blakefield, runs a business smuggling Western goods behind the iron curtain. (翻译:在铁幕走私西方货物 smuggling Western goods behind the iron curtain.)

://www.ted.com/talks/john_la_grou_plugs_smart_power_outlets_1.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/john_la_grou_plugs_smart_power_outlets_1.html)

10. And so we embraced our competition and asked other media outlets to join. (翻译:所以我们接受了竞争, 让其他媒体参与了进来。)

11. Nash, we need to get a bolo to neighboring police services and travel outlets. (翻译:Nash 我们需要向社区警务室 还有旅行出口发出通缉令)

12. And other media outlets received a controversial file from an anonymous source. (翻译:其他媒体.. 从一个未知来源接收到一个谈话文件)

13. Not everything is knockoff in imitation outlets. (翻译:并不是所有在仿冒店里的东西都是假冒的。)

14. I was getting interviewed by all these national news outlets and press outlets, and it was amazing. (翻译:我马上受到了国内新闻媒体 和出版业的各种采访 真是棒极了 )

15. How much are that these goods probably worth? (翻译:那这批货大概值多少钱? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}How much are that these goods probably worth?)

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