例句:I thrive on enthusiasm. Don't take the wind out of my sails. I need you. (我需要热情的支持, 万事具备,只欠东风, 我要你的帮助)
例句:Ulysses sails from isle to isle in a perilous, uncertain world. (尤利西斯从小岛帆岛 在一个危机四伏的,不确定的世界。)
1. ♪ monas are rolling loudies (翻译:♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪)
2. Cambreau, put them sails up. (翻译:Cambreau, put them sails up.)
3. Every Roman galley that sails out of Brundusium pays tribute to them. (翻译:每艘进入庞迪辛恩的罗马军舰 都得付通行费)
4. The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe. (翻译:渡船行驶于纽黑文和迪耶普之间。)
5. They dropped the sails and threw a line to a man on the dock. (翻译:他们放下风帆,把船缆抛给码头上的人。)
6. The sailors provided against the coming storm by furling all sails. (翻译:水手们收起全部船帆,以防备即将来临的暴风雨。)
7. I'm afraid these visits here are rather tiring. . . They take the wind out of my sails. (翻译:我恐怕来这里让我感到很累了…他们把我的精力抽走了。)
8. These ships still had no sails— sails were costly, and for now the rowed ships could meet their needs. (翻译:这些船仍然没有帆—— 船帆很昂贵, 当时划桨船可以满足他们需求。)
9. "I would think a loss like this might take a little bit out of their sails, " said Jordan Farmar, dressing slowly. (翻译:“我想这场失利可能会阻碍他们的前进道路。”法码尔正在慢慢地穿上衣服。)
10. Sails for America at dawn. (翻译:Sails for America at dawn. 明天早上开往美国)
11. Or when a blast of debris that used to be your personal effects blows out of your windows and sails flaming into the night. (翻译:或者火灾把你的私人财产烧成灰烬 从落地窗炸出来 并继续吞吐火舌)
12. Whether he can take the wind out of the bubbling McKinley's sails remains to be seen. (翻译:在那位滔滔不绝的麦克金利面前他能否占上风,我们还要拭目以待。)
13. Captain says, raise the sails and step lively! (翻译:船长发话 扬起风帆加把劲儿 Captain says, raise the sails and step lively!)
14. The finding could aid the design of solar sails for interstellar sojourns. (翻译:这一发现可以帮助设计能够在星际间停留的太阳飞船。)
15. We shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleeve the brine . (翻译:将帆影撒在海面上,摇摇摆摆地劈开海水。)