outstanding objection是什么意思 outstanding objection的中文翻译、读音、例句

outstanding objection是什么意思 outstanding objection的中文翻译、读音、例句

outstanding objection在英语中代表"社科"的意思,其次还有"尚未解决的异议"的意思,单词读音音标为[outstandingobjection],outstanding objection常被用作名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到44个与outstanding objection相关的句子。

Outstanding objection的翻译


例句:What's your favorite legal objection? (- 你最喜欢的庭审反对理由是什么? - 哦 那个-)


例句:Indeed, I have no objection to being seen with him anywhere. (真的 走到哪我都不怕 被人看到我们在一起)


outstanding objection一般作为名词使用,如在no objection([网络] 不反对;没有异议;无异议)、objection to([网络] 反对;反对某事;对……反对)、outstanding(杰出的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

no objection[网络] 不反对;没有异议;无异议
objection to[网络] 反对;反对某事;对……反对
express objection[法] 明示异议或反对
file objection[经] 提出异议
handling objection[经] 反对意见的处理
have no objection[法]无反对意见
implied objection[法] 默示异议或反对
legal objection[法] 合法的反对


1. If you want to be seen as an outstanding manager, set your goal to become an outstanding delegator. (翻译:如果你想在人们心中成为一名优秀的经理人,首先你要致力于成为一名优秀的委派者。)

2. Objection, Your Honor. Counsel is leading the witness. (翻译:反对 , 法官大人 , 律师引 导证人作供)

3. Fowler up until this point has been absolutely outstanding. (翻译:福渥目前为止表现的非常杰出 Fowler up until this point has been absolutely outstanding.)

4. In spite of you being the most junior Under-Secretary, but because you are the outstanding person, (翻译:虽然你是资历最浅的秘书 In spite of you being the most junior Under -Secretary, 但因为你能力出众 but because you are the outstanding person,)

5. Objection... relevance and nauseousness, Your Honor. (翻译:反对... 这与案件无关 而且很恶心 法官大人)

6. You abscond with these boys over my strenuous objection. (翻译:你们居然在我反对下强行带走这些孩子 You abscond with these boys over my strenuous objection.)

7. How about that, any objection to being free in the morning? (翻译:怎么样,对于早上就自由了这事 有什么反对意见吗?)

8. The most outstanding of all the geographer was Li Daoyuan, and the most outstanding of all geographic works was his "Notes on Book of Waterways". (翻译:而其中最杰出的地理学家是郦道元,最杰出的地理著作是他昕撰的《水经注》。)

9. There's no objection here, Mr. Gardner. (翻译:- 这里没有在反对的 Gardner先生)

10. Hobbs has been an outstanding player all year! (翻译:霍布斯今年表现得非常杰出! Hobbs has been an outstanding player all year!)

11. She actually wants from people. - Objection! (翻译:因为她并不知道 她真正想要的是怎样的关注)

12. They built a outstanding bulk of abodes. (翻译:她们盖了一大批房屋。)

13. I have no objection. And the second stipulation, is that the name of the liberal benefactor remain a profound secret. (翻译:我对此没有异议 I have no objection. 这位慷慨的恩主的名字 将是个秘密 is that the name of the liberal benefactor remain a profound secret.)

14. Some hedonists claim that this objection rests on a misinterpretation of hedonism. (翻译:一些享乐主义者声称,这一反对享乐主义就在于误解。)

15. They recalled Sweeney to the stand and the judge overruled my objection. (翻译:他们重新传唤斯威尼上庭 而法官驳回了我的反对意见)

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