outstripped是什么意思 outstripped的中文翻译、读音、例句

outstripped是什么意思 outstripped的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:outstrip 是动词,意为“超越,胜过,跑过”。outstripped 是其过去式和过去分词形式。


词组搭配:outstrip sb./sth. (超过某人/某物),outstrip the competition(超越竞争对手),outstrip sb.'s ability(超出某人的能力范围)




1. The company outstripped its competitors in sales last year.(去年这家公司在销售方面超过了竞争对手。)

2. The athlete was able to outstrip his opponents once he picked up speed.(这个运动员一旦加速就能超过他的对手。)

3. The growth of the technology industry has outstripped all expectations.(科技行业的发展超出了所有人的预期。)

4. The demand for the product has outstripped the supply.(这种产品的需求超过了供应。)

5. Jane's intelligence outstrips everyone else in the class.(简的智力比班里其他人都强。)

6. The country's economy is expected to outstrip the rest of the world in the next decade.(预计未来xx年这个国家的经济将超过其他所有国家。)

7. The runner outstripped his own personal record and set a new one.(这个跑步者超过了他自己的个人记录并创造了新的纪录。)



1. Our sales have outstripped all expectations this quarter. (我们本季度的销售额超过了所有的预期。)

2. The young athlete outstripped his rivals and won the gold medal. (年轻的运动员超过了他的对手,赢得了金牌。)

3. The company's profits have outstripped those of its competitors. (公司的利润超过了其竞争对手。)




例句:The rate of economic growth of these and many other developing nations far outstripped the rate of growth elsewhere. (这些地区和许多其他的发展中国家的经济增长率已经远远高于世界其他国家,这使得发展中国家占了全球国民生产总值的大部分。)


例句:Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers. (对有资格教师的需求远远超过了供应。)


例句:Their positions outstripped their capability, and it was not their fault. (而他们的能力无法胜任所在的职位, 不过这不是他们的错。)


例句:For a few days in May trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges outstripped the combined volume of the rest of Asia, including Japan. (翻译:xx月份有几天,上海和深圳证交所的成交总额超过了不包括日本在内的亚洲其它股市的总和。)


1. Their positions outstripped their capability, and it was not their fault. (翻译:而他们的能力无法胜任所在的职位, 不过这不是他们的错。)

2. For a few days in May trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges outstripped the combined volume of the rest of Asia, including Japan. (翻译:xx月份有几天,上海和深圳证交所的成交总额超过了不包括日本在内的亚洲其它股市的总和。)

3. I tell you this, my friends, in the experience of my lifetime, the failure and the pain have certainly outstripped the triumphs. (翻译:我告诉各位,根据我的经验 失败与痛苦绝对超越胜利)

4. Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. (翻译:自20世纪xx年代以来,专家们一直声称当今工作的技能需求已经超过了工人们所拥有的技能。)

5. Audi's China sales have outstripped growth in other markets, the company said in a statement last week. (翻译:大众公司上周指出,奥迪在中国的销量已经超过了其他市场。)

6. Mr Krause spoke as Deutsche Bank earnings outstripped expectations in a strong first quarter. (翻译:克劳斯发表此番讲话之际,德意志银行公布了一季度利润超出预期的强劲业绩。)

7. It had already outstripped what was one of the largest responses that had been mounted so far to an Ebola outbreak. (翻译:它的规模早已超越了当时 为埃博拉爆发所做出的最大准备。)

8. In 1989 and 1990 demand outstripped supply, and prices went up by more than a third. (翻译:1989和xx年,需求大于供给,物价上涨了三分之一多。)

9. In recent years, demand for sugarcane has dramatically outstripped supply, pushing prices up and leading to stiff political consequences. (翻译:最近几年,蔗糖的需求远远高过供给,推升了价格,也导致艰困的政治后果。)

10. And I realized that gradually the times that being with her depressed me, outstripped the times that I enjoyed it (翻译:我认识到,和她在一起的这段时间 虽然有开心的时候,但更多时候―― 我的心情是烦躁的)

11. Since the 1980s livestock production has far outstripped that of cereals. (翻译:xx年代以来,畜牧业生产已远远超过谷物。)



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