memory management exception在英语中代表"存储管理异常"的意思,其次还有"存储管理异常"的意思,发音音标为[memorymanagementexception],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到96个与memory management exception相关的例句。
Memory management exception的中文翻译
例句:Trans con 47, this is trans con crisis management center. (这里是救援中心,请听到请回答。This is Trans Con Crisis Management Center.)
memory management exception一般作为名词使用,如在management by exception([经] 按例外原则管理)、memory management([计] 存储管理)、exception(例外 )等常见短语中出现较多。
management by exception | [经] 按例外原则管理 |
memory management | [计] 存储管理 |
exception | 例外 |
exception or | 例外或 |
exception to | 之例外 |
no exception | [网络] 没有例外;无一例外;不例外 |
with the exception | [网络] 有……例外;除了情况;不计算在内 |
dynamic memory management | 动态存储管理 |
fibonacci memory management | 费布那西记忆体管理 |
1. ♪ But darling, you are the only exception. ♪ (翻译:但是亲爱的 你是* *But darling, you are 唯一的例外* *The only exception)
2. You are receiver of memory. (翻译:You are receiver of memory.)
3. Or at least the blessed memory of her. (翻译:the blessed memory of her.)
4. Taking a stand against oppression and the courage to fight back! (翻译:面对大型management的威胁 用全身对抗的勇气)
5. Most of the time when an Out Of Memory exception occurrs it is caused by a design problem, where either too much memory is stored in cache or session scope. (翻译:发生内存溢出在大多数情况下是因设计问题引起的,太多的内存存储在缓存或Session中。)
6. - I take exception to that! (翻译:- 我可不这么觉得 -新西兰 - I take exception to that!)
7. Puttin' together a memory book? (翻译:打理旧日回忆呢 Putting together a memory book?)
8. If your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory? (翻译:what about your memory?)
9. USENIX is where Kirk McKusick talked about memory management. (翻译:USENIX是尔柯克麦库西克谈论内存管理。)
10. All the memory management and allocation of the PAE memory is handled by the memory manager independently of the programs that run. (翻译:所有的内存管理和PAE内存分配都由内存管理器处理,与运行的程序无关。)
11. Oh, good, good. Uh, Henry, I believe you know everyone, with the exception of our new friend visiting from the west Indies. (翻译:good. 除了我们这位 {\3cH202020}with the exception)
12. d and for one desperate moment There d d he crept back In her memory d (翻译:♪And for one desperate moment there♪ ♪He crept back in her memory♪)
13. My memory is like a steel trap. (翻译:My memory is like a steel trap.)
14. ♪ every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away ♪ (翻译:♪Every tear -soaked whiskey memory blown away♪)
15. However, any SEH exception that is not automatically mapped to a specific exception is mapped to the (翻译:但是默认情况下,任何未自动映射到特定异常的SEH异常将映射到)