oxpoconazole是什么意思 oxpoconazole的中文翻译、读音、例句

oxpoconazole是什么意思 oxpoconazole的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:When an ox gores a man or a woman to death, the ox must be stoned; its flesh may not be eaten. (牛无论牴死男或女,应用石头砸死这牛,并且不许吃它的肉,牛主不受惩罚。)


例句:Not the hay! What magic is this? (不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)


例句:You cannot flay the same ox twice. (一头牛不能剥两次皮。)


1. You cannot flay the same ox twice. (翻译:一头牛不能剥两次皮。)

2. Ox... ox... ox... come... come, quick. (翻译:阿牛 阿牛,阿牛,跟我走... 走,快点...)

3. Others in the year of a Water Ox, 173 A.D. (翻译:其他学者则认为他是公元前水牛年xx年 出生的)

4. Avesnes-Le-Sec, France, March 1918 (翻译:Avesnes Le Sec,法国 xx年xx月)

5. # Le ciel parait toujours plus bleu (翻译:∮ Le ciel parait toujours plus bleu ∮)

6. Please, I'd like: Le Monde, Rinascita, Le Nouvel Observateur, I'Espresso, (翻译:我想要《世界》《新生》《另眼观察》《快报》)

7. Pick up another marker out of the cup and color in the ox for me. Color in the ox. (翻译:再从杯子里拿另一只笔, 帮我给这只牛上色,给牛上色。)

8. You put the kid in the hay? (翻译:你把那小孩藏在干草里 Tu as mis le gamin dans le foin?)

9. We must lead an ox by the halter. (翻译:牵牛要牵牛鼻子。)

10. That way, when he was gone, we could still, you know... (翻译:这样 他死了之后 我们还能继续那个... ox)

11. She made him even perfumed. (翻译:Et elle le parfumait. -她向它洒水)

12. In the last story, the golden ox lost control. (翻译:上次讲到那只金牛失了控制之后 弄到马倒人翻)

13. This ox did otherworldly plowing. (翻译:这头牛在另一个世界耕作。)

14. - Well, the ox is a sluggish beast (翻译:- 牛是种行动迟缓的牲畜 - 没错 但是很强壮 - Well, the ox is a sluggish beast.)

15. In the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed. (翻译:在汉穆拉比法典里,如果某人的牛杀死了一个小孩,那么这头牛的主人的小孩也应处死。)

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