oxygenization是什么意思 oxygenization的中文翻译、读音、例句

oxygenization是什么意思 oxygenization的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And do me a favor, spend your night on oxygen. (听我话 吸氧睡一晚 And do me a favor, spend your night on oxygen.)


1. Iz-- Okay,just... just wait. (翻译:- Iz - 好吧 还是... 等等好么)

2. Get the oxygen cylinder now! (翻译:还不快点拿氧气筒来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Get the oxygen cylinder now!)

3. We continue our Foreign Student Series this week with a report on the Intern ation al Student Handbook. (翻译:本周,我们通过一份关于国际学生手册的报告来继续留学生系列报道。)

4. The result of selecting coope ation will unite Public goal and private profit to reach that goal. (翻译:而如何操作才能将公共目标与私人利益统一起来,选择合作,将会有助于目标的完成。)

5. Iz, I know you didn't wanna be there. (翻译:我不停地想著在她的房子里 伊兹,我如道你不想待在那里)

6. Oxygen scavengers capture the dissolved oxygen in a harmless chemical reaction that renders the oxygen unavailable for corrosive reactions. (翻译:在一个无害的化学反应中除氧剂捕获溶解氧,此化学反应使发生腐蚀反应所需的氧变得缺乏。)

7. oya , This comb seemed very valuable, Mother is trying to poison ['p? iz? n]me? (翻译:公主:【继续翻篮子】:“哦呀,这个梳子貌似很值钱啊,母后是想毒死我吗?”)

8. I received an inv IT ation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept IT. (翻译:昨天我接到一份参加晚会的邀请,拒绝了接受。)

9. CASE, blow the cabin oxygen through the main thrusters! (翻译:CASE 把舱内氧气供给主推进器! CASE, blow the cabin oxygen through the main thrusters!)

10. The tree gave off oxygen as a waste product. (翻译:然后把氧气作为废物排出 The tree gave off oxygen as a waste product.)

11. Plants absorb oxygen. (翻译:植物吸收氧气。)

12. In this case the pollutant is a form of oxygen itself the Oxygen molecules change into unstable forms called free radicals (翻译:而这里所说的污染正是来自氧本身 氧分子变成了叫做自由基的不稳定结构)

13. The more you exert yourself, the faster you consume oxygen. (翻译:the faster you consume oxygen.)

14. Today the music of IZ is darker, graver. It finds its way into the deepest corners of your soul. (翻译:现在IZ乐队的音乐变得更加黑暗深沉,直指人的灵魂深处。)

15. A. Connect oxygen supply tubing to Ambu bag and oxygen flowmeter. Adjust oxygen to 100% FiO2 or ordered rate. (翻译:将供氧管与急救袋和流量计相连,将氧气调节至100%吸氧浓度分数或规定速度。)

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