p wave是什么意思 p wave的中文翻译、读音、例句

p wave是什么意思 p wave的中文翻译、读音、例句

p wave通常被翻译为"医、心电图"的意思,作为名词时有"波"的意思,读音为[pwave],p wave来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到29个与p wave相关的例句。

P wave的词典翻译


例句:Bend from above and always wear your gloves, and wave. (Bend from above and always wear your gloves,and wave 招手时还要记得戴手套)


例句:Field surveys of the shallow refraction and microlog for both P-wave and S-wave have been made simultaneously in a work area. (在一个工区同时开展了浅层纵横波折射、纵横波微测井的野外勘探,并取得较为丰富的野外资料以及处理和解释成果。)


例句:Wave goodbye To cares of the day (Wave goodbye To cares of the day)


p wave一般作为名词使用,如在P wave([医] P波(心电图))、mitral P wave(二尖瓣型P波)、pulmonary P wave(肺型P波)等常见短语中出现较多。

P wave[医] P波(心电图)
mitral P wave二尖瓣型P波
pulmonary P wave肺型P波
p to p由极大到极小
P300 waveP300 波
p便士\n[计] 页, 对, 并行, 奇偶性, 指示器, 多项式, 程序, 方法, 皮
p'n. 英语字母表的第 16 个字母\n[网络] 压力;南天极;功率
p'an[网络] 一的炒米芳
kuan p'an p'an关盼盼
p p junctionp p 结


1. Wave goodbye To cares of the day (翻译:Wave goodbye To cares of the day)

2. Representing the royal family with a well-placed wave is important. (翻译:代表皇室 Representing the royal family 恰到好处的挥手很重要 with a well -placed wave is important.)

3. If P-chan is turned into meat, then it won't be P-chan anymore. (翻译:如果小P变成了普通的猪肉 那么小P也就不是小P了)

4. Second wave just dropped out. (翻译:第二波敌人来了 他们就在路上 Second wave just dropped out.)

5. p provides the PID. (翻译:p 提供 PID。)

6. He would promote the policeman immediately, so that P.C. Bloggs became Detective Inspector Bloggs in the course of the conversation and wave us on merrily. (翻译:他会立刻让警察升职, 在谈话的过程中,警察布洛格斯 变成了探长布洛格斯, 然后愉快的向我们挥手告别。)

7. We can see the P wave amplitude and traveltime difference with the azimuth and incidence angle in numerical simulation. (翻译:在数值模拟中可以看到随观测方位和入射角变化的纵波振幅和旅行时的差异。)

8. Wave hi to the nice little witch. (翻译:和漂亮的小女巫打个招呼 Wave hi to the nice little witch.)

9. Aim To observe the changes of P100 wave in F-VEP in acute methylismus. (翻译:目的探讨急性甲醇中毒患者F—VEP的P100波形的变化。)

10. We wave our arms around, we giggle a lot. (翻译:我们会晃动手臂 傻笑个不停 We wave our arms around, we giggle a lot,)

11. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)

12. - Okay, please just listen. (翻译:p -please just listen.)

13. It follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea. (翻译:这表明这种所谓的P篮子不是P村的人所独有的。)

14. ♪ Wave the flag and drop the go sign (翻译:# Wave the flag and drop the go sign)

15. Mom would wave to us from the dock. (翻译:我妈会在码头向我们挥手 Mom would wave to us from the dock.)

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