mask negative是什么意思 mask negative的中文翻译、读音、例句

mask negative是什么意思 mask negative的中文翻译、读音、例句

mask negative的意思是"遮光负片",还有遮光负片的意思,发音音标为[masknegative],mask negative是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到82个与mask negative相关的例句。

Mask negative的中文翻译


例句:That's me... the one in the mask. No, the other one in the mask. (这个我,戴着面具 不,另一个戴面具的才是我)


mask negative一般作为名词使用,如在negative mask(负像遮片)、negative photo mask(负片摄影遮光罩;负光罩)、mask(①口罩②面具 )等常见短语中出现较多。

negative mask负像遮片
negative photo mask负片摄影遮光罩;负光罩
mask with用(面罩)遮住(眼或脸的其他部分);用…掩盖(情感、意图等);用(另一味道)掩盖(某味道)
the mask[电影]变相怪杰; 摩登大圣
in the negative否定地
into the negative成否定
the negativen. 相反的人


1. That mask on your face ... (翻译:你脸上那层面具... That mask on your face...)

2. Everybody get back and clear the sidewalk right now. (翻译:-你戴面具了吗 -没有 - Were you wearing a mask?)

3. ## Behind his mask, his wings, his suit of green ## (翻译:# Behind his mask his wings his suit of green #)

4. It has to cover your face. (翻译:I need a mask. It has to cover your face.)

5. Then don Leandro threw the mask into the fire, and I wasn't in the mask any more. (翻译:然后唐蔺卓把面具扔进了火里,我就不再在面具里了。)

6. So you'll see the first picture, then a mask, then the second picture, then a mask. (翻译:再然后是第二幅图,然后是遮罩。然后这会重复,你作为实验对象的工作 )

7. Its negative electrode uses a hydrogen-absorbing alloy... (翻译:它的负极是一块吸氢合金... Its negative electrode uses a hydrogen -absorbing alloy...)

8. Boy stole all that money to pay for the negative. (翻译:Boy stole all that money to pay for the negative.)

9. Like I can sabotage myself with my negative thinking. (翻译:就像这句 消极的想法会妨碍我 Like I can sabotage myself with my negative thinking.)

10. Behind the mask of seduction and charm (翻译:任何人在拥有其诱人 或充满魅力的人格面具的背后)

11. - What, like, wear a mask? (翻译:- What, like, wear a mask?)

12. The NZT tests came back negative. (翻译:NZT测试呈阴性 The NZT tests came back negative.)

13. How about a blowup from a negative that size? (翻译:这种相机竟能拍得好照片 How about a blowup from a negative that size?)

14. Look at you, hiding behind a mask all day (翻译:hiding behind a mask all day)

15. Negative. He's just sitting there. (翻译:没有 他按兵不动 等等 Negative, Captain.)

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