mashing kettle是什么意思 mashing kettle的中文翻译、读音、例句

mashing kettle是什么意思 mashing kettle的中文翻译、读音、例句

mashing kettle通常被翻译为"芽浆锅、麦芽浆煮锅"的意思,在日常中也代表"化"的意思,读音为[mashingkettle],mashing kettle是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到68个与mashing kettle相关的句子。

Mashing kettle的释义


例句:So, what? We've got a vampire And a werewolf monster mashing this town? Looked like you guys are staying a while. (那怎么说?有一个吸血鬼,外加一个狼人在镇上捣乱么?看上去你们要住上一阵了。)


例句:As soon as his mother opened the door he said, ``Is the kettle boiling? '' (老母亲一开门,他就急忙问:“水烧好了吗?”)


例句:Now, a tar kettle doesn't sound like much of an inheritance. It wasn't. (如今,沥青锅听起来真不像 一个像样的传家品,它确实不是。)


mashing kettle一般作为名词使用,如在mashing(n. 打浆;淀粉糖化)、kettle(水壶 )、factional mashing(分批制糖化醪法)等常见短语中出现较多。

mashingn. 打浆;淀粉糖化
factional mashing分批制糖化醪法
gear mashing齿轮组
infusion mashing浸出糖化法
jump mashing急升温打浆法
mashing machine调制麦芽浆机,调浆机
mashing off煮浆
mashing pump浆料泵,麦芽浆送料泵


1. Now, a tar kettle doesn't sound like much of an inheritance. It wasn't. (翻译:如今,沥青锅听起来真不像 一个像样的传家品,它确实不是。)

2. The kettle needs a new element. (翻译:这个电壶需要一根新电热丝。)

3. With a thin scream, like a tea-kettle whistle, the medusa starts to descend. (翻译:随着一声像茶壶煮开了水那样的微弱的叫声,水母开始下降。)

4. Klaxon sounded, so deafening that Brooks leaped straight up out of his chair, mashing his knee on the underside of the console. (翻译:蜂鸣器轰然作响,震耳欲聋的尖啸声把布鲁克斯从椅子里抛了起来,连滚带爬地冲到控制台前。)

5. papa sometimes would cut the heart out of a cabbage palmetto, and mama would cook it, slowly, in the black kettle. (翻译:爸爸有时会切下甘蓝菜的菜心让妈妈在黑壶里慢慢地做菜。)

6. Hard water furred the kettle. (翻译:硬水使水壶生了垢。)

7. Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum (翻译:猎杀目标——The Hunted 主演:)

8. Picking up the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door.(NMET 92) (翻译:她拿起那个装着开水的壶,悄悄地向门移动。)

9. The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. (翻译:小猪看到狼爬上屋顶,并点燃了轰鸣火灾壁炉和它放在一个大壶水。)

10. There are women on my floor with babies and they can't even boil a kettle so they can sterilize their baby's bottles. (翻译:我们那层有带孩子的女人 他们都没法煮开水 好给孩子的奶瓶消毒)

11. It was found that the soluble protein decreasing during the brewing, while significant change happened during malting and mashing. (翻译:发现制麦和糖化过程是蛋白变化最明显的阶段,蛋白的分布和含量整体呈下降趋势。)

12. Steam rose from the boiling kettle. (翻译:壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。)

13. His trail will lead us to a nest of Communists that will make the Rosenbergs look like Ma and Pa Kettle. (翻译:他的族机会带我们到共产党的老巢... ...会让 Rosenberg 夫妇看起来 像是Kettle 老爸和老妈.)

14. Then, two years ago, he disappeared like steam from a tea kettle. (翻译:就在两年前 Then, two years ago, 他突然像茶壶嘴喷出的蒸汽一样消失了 he disappeared like steam from a tea kettle.)

15. I smelled kettle corn and couldn't find the cart. (翻译:都说了一百次了 Uh, for the hundredth time,)

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