mask off是什么意思 mask off的中文翻译、读音、例句

mask off是什么意思 mask off的中文翻译、读音、例句

"Mask off" 是一个常用的英语短语,它可以指代多种含义。以下从四个不同的方面展开说明:

1. “脱掉面具” - 表示揭露真实的自我或真相,常用于个人或社会行为层面。


- I finally decided to take my mask off and show my true colors.

- After years of pretending to be someone else, he finally took his mask off and admitted who he really was.

- The documentary aims to take the mask off the dirty secrets of the industry.

- The scandal has caused the company's mask to be taken off and exposed its unethical practices.

- People often put on a mask at work to fit in, but it's important to take it off and be yourself.

2. “摘下口罩” - 指摘下防护措施(口罩、面罩)。


- The doctor instructed the patient to mask off before entering the examination room.

- Don't mask off until you are safely outside the contaminated area.

- The workers were required to mask off before entering the construction site.

- He forgot to mask off and accidentally exposed himself to the virus.

- Always remember to mask off properly to protect yourself and others.

3. “解除保护措施” - 指取消某种保护措施。


- The government announced that it will mask off some of the COVID-19 restrictions from next week.

- The company decided to mask off the security measures due to the low risk of theft.

- The police officer was ordered to mask off his weapon after the suspect surrendered.

- The school principal warned the students not to mask off the safety rules on the playground.

- The technician had to mask off the equipment before starting the maintenance work.

4. “自由呼吸” - 指不用再遵守某种规定或限制,一般用于音乐、艺术等领域。


- The rapper's new album is all about taking the mask off and expressing his true feelings.

- After years of playing classical music, the pianist finally decided to mask off and experiment with jazz.

- The artist's latest exhibition is a form of mask off, as she abandoned her usual style and tried something completely new.

- The band's music video is a celebration of mask off, as they break free from their conventional image and embrace their individuality.

- The writer's new book is a form of mask off, as he challenges the traditional writing style and creates a unique narrative.

英文单词:mask off


读音:/mæsk ɒf/


1. He finally decided to mask off his emotions and be honest with himself. (他最终决定揭示自己的情感,对自己诚实。)

2. The politician's true intentions were masked off by his smooth words and charming smile. (政治家的真实意图被他的华丽言辞和迷人的微笑掩盖了。)

mask off在中文中有"屏蔽"的意思,还经常被翻译为计,在线发音:[maskoff],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到58个与mask off相关的句子。

Mask off的翻译


例句:THE world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. (世界向它的爱人摘下了自己浩瀚的面具。)


例句:That is to mask the smell of experiment-generated mouse urine. (那是为了掩盖实验产生的鼠尿味儿 That is to mask the smell of experiment -generated mouse urine.)


mask off一般作为名词使用,如在mask off code([计] 屏蔽码, 掩码)、mask off command([计] 屏蔽命令)、mask(①口罩②面具 )等常见短语中出现较多。

mask off code[计] 屏蔽码, 掩码
mask off command[计] 屏蔽命令
mask with用(面罩)遮住(眼或脸的其他部分);用…掩盖(情感、意图等);用(另一味道)掩盖(某味道)
the mask[电影]变相怪杰; 摩登大圣
diffracting mask衍射幕
diffusion mask扩掩模
drop the mask摘下假面具,原形毕露
easel mask障板;蔽光框


1. I recognise your cough. Take that mask off, you know. Get some air. (翻译:我认得出你咳嗽的声音 把面罩摘下来透透气吧 快啊)

2. Look at you, hiding behind a mask all day (翻译:hiding behind a mask all day)

3. While conversations with the i-150 are not possible, the machining center does include Mazak Voice Advisor. (翻译:虽然谈到的I - 150无所不能,该加工中心不包括Mask语音顾问。)

4. You think it has something to do with the kids? (翻译:A ski mask? You think it has something to do with the kids?)

5. Pay's good. An AGA mask! Did some wreck diving in one of these, off the coast of Spain. (翻译:薪水也不错。潜水面罩?,我在西班牙外海潜水,沉船探险时有戴过。)

6. Behind the mask of seduction and charm (翻译:任何人在拥有其诱人 或充满魅力的人格面具的背后)

7. While conversations with the i-150 are not possible, the machining center does include Mazak Voice Advisor. (翻译:虽然谈到的I-150无所不能,该加工中心不包括Mask语音顾问。)

8. Well, i never wore a mask, even when governor reagan (翻译:我从没带过面具 哪怕xx年 Well, I never wore a mask, even when governor Reagan)

9. Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy (翻译:Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy 取下郁郁不乐的面具)

10. What mysteries do the muscles mask? (翻译:在健壮的肌肉下藏有什么秘密 What mysteries do the muscles mask?)

11. Then don Leandro threw the mask into the fire, and I wasn't in the mask any more. (翻译:然后唐蔺卓把面具扔进了火里,我就不再在面具里了。)

12. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. (翻译:世界对著它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。)

13. Why do you wear a gauze-mask? (翻译:Why do you wear a gauze -mask?)

14. Everybody get back and clear the sidewalk right now. (翻译:-你戴面具了吗 -没有 - Were you wearing a mask?)

15. That mask on your face ... (翻译:你脸上那层面具... That mask on your face...)

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