paired feeding是什么意思 paired feeding的中文翻译、读音、例句

paired feeding是什么意思 paired feeding的中文翻译、读音、例句

paired feeding的中文解释是"对等饲养",在日常中也代表"对等饲养"的意思,在线读音是[pairedfeeding],paired feeding在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到24个与paired feeding相关的句子。

Paired feeding的词典翻译


例句:I want you to know I paired you with Stanley for a reason. (我想让你知道 安排你和斯坦利一组是有原因的)


paired feeding一般作为名词使用,如在equalized paired feeding(等列饲养试验)、paired(a. 成对的;配对的)、feeding(n. 饲养, 进料, 加料\na. 供给饲料的, 摄取食物的)等常见短语中出现较多。

equalized paired feeding等列饲养试验
paireda. 成对的;配对的
feedingn. 饲养, 进料, 加料\na. 供给饲料的, 摄取食物的
feeding onna. 同“feed off ”;“live on”的变体
nucleons paired成对核子
paired allosome[医] 双心体
paired appendages偶肢
paired arches对拱
paired booster双联助推器


1. the feeding effect of growing pigs was compared by feeding trial of MGP instead of SBM partly. (翻译:通过饲养试验对味精蛋白替代部分豆粕饲喂生长猪的饲养效果进行了比较研究。)

2. They're feeding information to the state's attorney, and the S.A. is feeding information to them. (翻译:他们给州检提供信息 州检也提供信息给他们)

3. What was it feeding on when you found it? (翻译:你找到它的时候它在袭击什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}What was it feeding on when you found it?)

4. Karczmarczyk paired on the implementation of mockito-flex. (翻译:Karczmarczyk和我一起实现了mockito - flex。)

5. Kelley,wouldyou be excited if you got paired up Excited if you got paired up with your dad? With your dad? (翻译:Kelley 如果你能和你爸组队 你会兴奋吗?)

6. Compared with the number of SFB, the feeding time of SFB has greater influence on the feeding of DBM. 2. (翻译:而且与跳甲数量相比,取食时间更能对小菜蛾的取食产生影响。)

7. This time they paired her off with a young operatic singer named Deanna Durbin. (翻译:This time they paired her off with a young operatic singer named... 这次是和一个名叫狄安娜・德宾的 ...Deanna Durbin.)

8. Feeding the 5,000 is an event I first organized in 2009. (翻译:Feeding the 5000是一个我在xx年第一次组织的活动。)

9. Li Ying paired off with Liu Hua in a tennis doubles match. (翻译:李英在网球双打中与刘华搭档。)

10. These geese paired for life. (翻译:这些鹅终身配对。)

11. Pure oxygen can pack a punch if paired with the right accelerant. (翻译:搭配上合适的催化剂 纯氧就能拥有巨大的爆发力)

12. He was feeding them something. (翻译:他在给他们喂某种东西 {\3cH000000}He was feeding them something.)

13. Did they see cows feeding their calves and think, (翻译:他们看到奶牛在给小牛喂奶就想 Did they see cows feeding their calves and think,)

14. all feeding at the same trough. (翻译:天主教、印度教、弄蛇人... 一切都是宗教仪式)

15. Each blind student was paired with a sighted student. (翻译:每个盲人学员都配了一个有视力的学员。)

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