paisley shawl是什么意思 paisley shawl的中文翻译、读音、例句

paisley shawl是什么意思 paisley shawl的中文翻译、读音、例句

paisley shawl通常被翻译为"佩兹利纹花呢披肩"的意思,在英美地区还有"苏格兰产"的意思,发音音标为[paisleyshawl],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到90个与paisley shawl相关的例句。

Paisley shawl的词典翻译


例句:Drap me Miss Scarlett's shawl. (听着,把思嘉小姐的披肩给我扔下来。)


例句:Available in the following colors: Paisley Taupe, Houndstooth, Thunder, and Windsor. (可选颜色:灰褐色,银白色,犬牙花纹和温莎色。)


paisley shawl一般作为名词使用,如在shawl(披巾 )、paisley((苏格兰)佩斯利涡纹旋花呢(的))、Kashmir shawl(克什米尔披肩,克什米尔围巾[亦作 Cashmere shawl])等常见短语中出现较多。

Kashmir shawl克什米尔披肩,克什米尔围巾[亦作 Cashmere shawl]
knitted shawl头巾,编织的头巾
prayer shawl=tallith
shawl collar和尚领; 青果领
shawl fabric围巾织物
shawl goat[网络] 披肩山羊
shawl goats[网络] 披肩山羊


1. You were wearing an evening gown and a shawl, and if your shawl had slipped any further down, you'd have been standing there naked. (翻译:你穿着夜晚时候的长长袍和一个围巾 要是你的披巾再往下一点的话 你就会裸着在这儿了)

2. He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie. (翻译:他优雅地穿着一件灰色西服,蓝衬衣,系着佩斯利涡旋花纹领带。)

3. You have a lot of things, Mr. Paisley... why do you feel so cornered? (翻译:你富甲一方Paisley先生... ... 为什么你还这么有危机感呢?)

4. And as I sat contemplating what to say, a woman approached in a black shawl and black robe. (翻译:我坐在车上,琢磨着该说点啥 一个披着黑色披肩、穿着黑色长袍的女人向我走来 )

5. Looking wonderingly at the grandmother, she said: "In Frankfurt people put on a shawl when they go out." (翻译:她疑惑地看着祖母,说道:“在法兰克福,人们出门时都要戴上披肩。” )

6. She's knitting the baby a shawl. (翻译:她在给宝宝织一床小被子。)

7. Paisley Group already leads the other Fortune 500 companies in the global and industry trend toward consumer use of green products, while providing competitive advantages in efficacy and safety. (翻译:Paisley集团已经引领全球500强企业转型 向广大消费者提供绿色产品 同时保有安全,高效的竞争优势)

8. I was thinking of something in a paisley. (翻译:我想穿点佩斯利涡旋纹图案的 I was thinking of something in a paisley. 什么?)

9. Their Empire, built by Shanks and Paisley, used to be the greatest around, but now they are struggling to relive the glories of the past. (翻译:他们的帝国,由克斯和佩斯利曾经是最大的周围,但现在他们正努力重温过去的辉煌。)

10. One DUP candidate, Ian Paisley junior, was unusually frank this week in signalling the party's pragmatism. (翻译:一位DUP的候选人,老伊恩•佩斯利,本周在示意该党的实用主义时不同寻常地坦率。)

11. Now please hang on to that Paisley snail story, because it's an important principle. (翻译:请记住佩斯利蜗牛案 因为此案包含了一条重要的原则 )

12. Mr. Paisley, I would like you to meet Mr. Fishbein. (翻译:Paisley先生,我想让你见见Fishbein先生)

13. That woman is 62, that wrap is a shawl that L is a Y, and there's a reason they call them Y's. (翻译:那个女人是62 那围巾是个披肩... ...那个L是一个Y 大家叫她们Y是有道理的)

14. Howell laughed deep within his throat and shucked off his paisley tie. (翻译:豪厄尔在喉间低低地笑了,把他的佩斯利领带解开。)

15. I'm so glad you had this dress on and not the green shawl. (翻译:我很高兴你穿着这身衣服而不是围着一条绿色围巾)

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