paired comparisons是什么意思 paired comparisons的中文翻译、读音、例句

paired comparisons是什么意思 paired comparisons的中文翻译、读音、例句

paired comparisons在中文中有"成对比较"的意思,在英美地区还有"成对比较"的意思,单词读音音标为[pairedcomparisons],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到38个与paired comparisons相关的句子。

Paired comparisons的翻译


例句:Each blind student was paired with a sighted student. (每个盲人学员都配了一个有视力的学员。)


paired comparisons一般作为名词使用,如在multivariate paired comparisons(多变配对比较)、paired comparisons method(对偶比较法;配对比较法)、comparisons(比较 类似 的复数形式 处于对比状态)等常见短语中出现较多。

multivariate paired comparisons多变配对比较
paired comparisons method对偶比较法;配对比较法
comparisons比较 类似 的复数形式 处于对比状态
paireda. 成对的;配对的
draw comparisons进行比较
fair comparisons公平比较
imaginative comparisons[网络] 有想象力的比较\n(imaginative comparison 的复数)
individual comparisons个体比较
make comparisons进行比较


1. Police officers fear invidious comparisons. (翻译:警官们担心不公平的比较。)

2. This problem of shifting comparisons can bedevil our attempts to make rational decisions. (翻译:这个“比较转移”的问题 影响了我们的理性决策)

3. For paired comparison, the humeri were divided into 2 randomized groups. (翻译:每对肱骨分别分入2个随机组中,进行成对比较。)

4. Our brains seem to be organised to make random comparisons of the contents of our memories. (翻译:我们的大脑似乎会有组织地对我们的记忆内容进行随机对比。)

5. Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors. (翻译:其建议是以公有和私有部门之间的详细比较为根据的。)

6. Mesoscale modeling of katabatic winds over Greenland and comparisons with AWS and aircraft data (翻译:格陵兰下滑风的中尺度模拟和与AWS以及飞机资料的比较)

7. The Comparisons of Indwelling PICC through Superficial Temporal Vein and Basilic Vein in Neonates (翻译:新生儿经颞浅静脉与贵要静脉留置PICC导管效果比较)

8. and in the paired fins, the fin girdles , basals, and radials. (翻译:而且在偶鳍,包括腰带,基础骨,与辐射骨。)

9. I want you to know I paired you with Stanley for a reason. (翻译:我想让你知道 安排你和斯坦利一组是有原因的)

10. This allows you to perform bitwise logical and, or, XOR, and NOT comparisons. (翻译:这样便可以执行逐位的逻辑AND、OR、XOR和NOT比较。)

11. I paired Jeff and josiah, they are both confident. (翻译:- 整装待发了吗 - 没错 我把Jeff和Josiah放在一起)

12. And you get to make these spot comparisons between people all around the globe. (翻译:同时你还能比较不同的地区, 比较全球的人种。)

13. These geese paired for life. (翻译:这些鹅终身配对。)

14. Try not to make comparisons. (翻译:不要进行比较 Try not to make comparisons.)

15. - No, Kid paired kings. Won 100. (翻译:-没有 , 小子拿 了 一对 王 , 赢一 百)

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