pancarpial是什么意思 pancarpial的中文翻译、读音、例句

pancarpial是什么意思 pancarpial的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Drain off the water in the pan through a strainer, and return the quinoa to the pan. (用过滤器沥净锅里的水,再把奎奴亚藜倒回锅里。)


例句:He's a regular flyer on Pan Atlantic. (他是Pan Atlantic航空公司的常客 Hart也是Anna)


1. Start with Surat al-Nisa, Ayat 59. (翻译:从Surat al Nisa Ayat 59开始)

2. Yeah,butAl is justclosingin. All— All Al has to do is get that little corner— (翻译:但是Al也差不多完成了 Al只需要把角上填完就完成了)

3. So this is al-shayun -- the unknown thing. (翻译:这是 al-shalan, 代表着“未知的东西”。)

4. Simone Al-Harazi just got hit by a bus. (翻译:Simone Al -Harazi刚遭遇车祸)

5. Mr. President, Al-Harazi will not keep her word. (翻译:总统先生 Al -Harazi不会遵守诺言的)

6. President Heller's agreed to comply with Margot Al-Harazi's demands. (翻译:总统Heller同意履行 Margot Al)

7. Margot AI-Harazi knows you're alive. (翻译:Margot Al -Harazi知道你还活着)

8. Turns out it's Sheik Muhammad Al Khabiri. (翻译:原来是 Muhammad Al Khabiri 酋长)

9. Eliot, I need you to go to the Pans' factory. (翻译:Eliot 我需要你去Pan氏夫妇的工厂跑一趟)

10. - Al Khabiri's a collector. - Girls? (翻译:Al Khabiri 是个收藏家 姑娘?)

11. Drip pan:a pan for catching the drippings from roasting meat. (翻译:接油盘:用于盛接烤肉时的油滴的盘。)

12. Mr. Al Zahrani, I'd like to remind you... (翻译:- Al Zahrani先生 我提醒你...)

13. We call this operation Risala Shukra Al-hiba. (翻译:这次行动代号为Risala Shukra Al)

14. After that, each pane has additional separate spatial iterators: AL0. x. a and AL1. x. b. c. (翻译:此外,每个窗格还有额外的单独空间迭代器:AL0.x.a和AL1.x.b.c。)

15. You hit me in the face with a tray of apple pandowdy. (翻译:打了我的脸 {\3cH202020}with a tray of apple pan dowdy.)

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