pantonality是什么意思 pantonality的中文翻译、读音、例句

pantonality是什么意思 pantonality的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:But what kind of compromise, when for the majority pure musical tonality is simply illusion, and truly pure musical intervals do not exist? (但是当大多数人都认为 纯净的音调音律 只是种幻想)


例句:And that coincidentally a little rock got inside a pan. (有一小块药恰好掉到盘子里了,警方又能说什么 And that coincidentally a little rock got inside a pan.)


pantonality一般作为名词使用,如在Pantonality(n. 【音乐】十二音技法[亦作 twelve-tone technique])等常见短语中出现较多。

Pantonalityn. 【音乐】十二音技法[亦作 twelve-tone technique]


1. Drip pan:a pan for catching the drippings from roasting meat. (翻译:接油盘:用于盛接烤肉时的油滴的盘。)

2. And I think that thing is social Pan-Africanism. (翻译:而我认为,这种东西 就是社交泛非主义。)

3. The postcode of Pan Pan Lu Nan , Zhanqian District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, China is 115002. (翻译:中国大陆 辽宁省营口市站前区 盼盼路南 的邮政编码… )

4. He was also one of the few composers to bridge the gap between conventional tonality and atonality. (翻译:他也是少数一位能搭建传统调性和非调性桥梁的作曲家。)

5. This is Delphi and Pan, and you're going to see Delphi hitting a key, he hears a computer-generated whistle -- (Whistle) -- and gets a ball, so they can actually ask for things they want. (翻译:Delphi 和Pan,我们要观察的是Delphi 碰按键,听到计算机哨音……拿到球 所以他们真的可要求想要的东西 )

6. Pan Am makes the going great, go with Pan Am and you'll go where the action is. (翻译:泛美使得得很顺利, 去与泛美你会去那里的行动。)

7. Crack you in the head with this frying pan. (翻译:不然我就拿这个煎锅打爆你的脑袋 Crack you in the head with this frying pan.)

8. Mr Calderon cannot run again, and the PAN's bench looks weak. (翻译:卡尔德隆今年无法再参选了,而PAN的“替补席”看上去很弱。)

9. The ham frizzled in the frying pan. (翻译:火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。)

10. His basic musical idioms were based on the tradition of tonality, but he also, if necessary, resorted to dissonances and occasional atonality. (翻译:他的音乐语言根基是传统的、有调性的,但为了表现的需要也使用不协和音响与偶然的无调性。)

11. I brought you Moo Goo Gai Pan, you love Moo Goo Gai Pan. (翻译:我给你带来了武咕盖潘, 你爱武粘粘盖锅。)

12. Peja is to play the youthful vigor or a flash in the pan? (翻译:佩贾的发挥是昙花一现还是返老还童? )

13. The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality . (翻译:无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调。)

14. the connection part of the vacuum electric frying pan and the air extractor is near the upper part of the vacuum electric frying pan. (翻译:真空电炸锅与抽气管的连接部分靠近真空电炸锅的上部。)

15. Eliot, I need you to go to the Pans' factory. (翻译:Eliot 我需要你去Pan氏夫妇的工厂跑一趟)

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