pantograph cylinder在英语中代表"受电弓气缸"的意思,在日常中也代表"受电弓气缸"的意思,在线读音是[pantographcylinder],pantograph cylinder常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到91个与pantograph cylinder相关的句子。
Pantograph cylinder的翻译
例句:Ensure the axis points for your pantograph objects are at the pivot points you want. Same as for wheels and bogies etc. (确保电弓的轴点位置在你期望的中心点位置,车轮和轮架等类同。)
pantograph cylinder一般作为名词使用,如在pantograph(比例绘图仪 )、electronic pantograph(电子伸缩绘图器)、lever pantograph([印刷] 杠杆缩放仪)等常见短语中出现较多。
pantograph | 比例绘图仪 |
electronic pantograph | 电子伸缩绘图器 |
lever pantograph | [印刷] 杠杆缩放仪 |
mechanical pantograph | 机械缩放仪 |
optical pantograph | 光学缩放仪 |
pantograph base | [轻] 灯具伸缩架底座 |
pantograph bounce | 导电弓反弹 |
pantograph bow | 弓头 |
pantograph collector | 集电弓式集电器 |
1. Get the oxygen cylinder now! (翻译:还不快点拿氧气筒来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Get the oxygen cylinder now!)
2. Soak the cylinder of the wafers in hydrofluoric acid to disjoin the wafers. (翻译:将此“圆柱体”浸泡在氢氟酸中,使硅片互相分离。)
3. The fiats are attached to a steel cylinder or to an endless belt that rotates over the top portion of the cylinder. (翻译:有的盖板则固定在锡林上;有的被固定在一个环状的带子上,带子沿锡林上方回转。)
4. So a pantograph is a mechanical structure which keeps the upper segment and the lower segments always parallel. (翻译:受电弓是一种机械结构 它使得上框架和下框架始终保持平行 )
5. Surrounding the central cylinder is the pericycle. (翻译:围绕中柱的是中柱鞘。)
6. This sensor can also indicate which cylinder will reach to tope dead center, so it 'also called cylinder indication sensor. (翻译:因为凸轮轴位置传感器能够识别哪一个气缸活塞即将到达上止点,所以称为气缸识别传感器。)
7. FG Series Bare Cylinder Grinder is used for grinding and modification of Cylinder and Doffer. (翻译:FG系列铁胎磨光机主要用于梳棉机锡林、道夫筒体的磨砺和修整。)
8. The steam was condensed rapidly by injecting cold water into the cylinder. (翻译:由于汽缸中注入了冷水,蒸汽迅速凝结了。)
9. The cylinder is a vacuum chamber, devoid of all the gases in air. (翻译:这个桶是真空腔体, 没有任何空气成分。)
10. The cylinder yielded coordinates to County Antrim, Northern Ireland. (翻译:圆筒指出了具体方位 在北爱尔兰的安特里姆郡)
11. The Babylonian cylinder is written by the priests of the great god of Bablyon, Marduk. (翻译:圆柱上的巴比伦语 是由信奉巴比伦的主神马杜克的 祭祀写就的)
12. and a shearing oil cylinder and a kicker cylinder are floatable connected with the tool post. (翻译:剪切油缸与刀架浮动连接,回程缸与刀架浮动连接;)
13. The design requirements and the design of screwdown cylinder are introduced. (翻译:介绍了设计要求和其压下油缸的设计。)
14. The car was powered by a four cylinder air-cooled engine. (翻译:这辆汽车是由一个四缸气冷式发动机驱动的。)
15. Doffer not set parallel to cylinder. (翻译:道夫与锡林不平行。)