例句:Click on the SFTP TAB. (单击sft p选项卡。)
例句:- Well, were there any marks? (were there any marks?)
例句:P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)
例句:Why, are there any other castles in the city (翻译:are there any other castles in the city?)
Panya | 木棉科 |
1. P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (翻译:P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)
2. Why, are there any other castles in the city (翻译:are there any other castles in the city?)
3. Any one of the so-called P5 can paralyse the world body. (翻译:任何一个所谓的五大常任理事国都能瘫痪这个世界组织。)
4. Family struggles beats a 4.0 G.P.A. any day. (翻译:家族争斗 任何时候都胜过4.0的平均绩点)
5. Or any fistfight on any european battlefield. (翻译:这个将军 也没有互殴事件 or any fistfight on any European battlefield.)
6. Deployment management — Sample RFP requirements. (翻译:部署管理——RF P需求示例。)
7. Any tips on the snuffing part? (翻译:Any tips on the snuffing part?)
8. Check out the PSP Top 200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites. (翻译:查看PS p Top 200,一个在线的PS p站点排行目录。)
9. Q This is a disjunctive syllogism. P or Q, not P therefore Q. (翻译:这个是析取三段论,P或者Q,不是P所以。)
10. If there were any loose ends on P9 or Eustice... (翻译:针对P9 或者Eustice的清理行动有没有纰漏)
11. Prime Minister, there is no any Syndicate. (翻译:there is no any Syndicate.)
12. These setpoints can be adjusted via control parameters P01 and P02. (翻译:这些设定点可以通过调整控制参数P 01和P 02。)
13. - Oh, yes, THE Ogre. And not just any Ogre... but the one that attacked your temple, with the Orcs. (翻译:And not just any Ogre...)
14. Eating P-chan is cruel and heartless. (翻译:我还是觉得把小P吃掉的话 对小P来说太可怜太残酷了)
15. Any movie in particular or... (翻译:Any movie in particular or...)