例句:Well, as soon as I can get Darcy off Panzer's case. (等我先让Darcy放弃Panzer的案子再说)
panzeria一般作为名词使用,如在Panzeria(n. 脓疮草属)、Panzeria alaschanica(n. 脓疮草)、Panzeria lanata([网络] 白龙穿彩)等常见短语中出现较多。
Panzeria | n. 脓疮草属 |
Panzeria alaschanica | n. 脓疮草 |
Panzeria lanata | [网络] 白龙穿彩 |
Panzeria parviflora | n. 小花脓疮草 |
1. The blood was Panzer's. It was denatured, but it was definitely his. (翻译:血迹是Panzer的 虽然有点变质 可很确定是他的)
2. LGS will upgrade voice and data networks at Patch Barracks, Kelley Barracks and Panzer Kaserne, the company said. The company also will install a voice-over-IP network at the Stuttgart Army Airfield. (翻译:LGS将升级Patch兵营、Kelley兵营以及Panzer兵营的话音和数据网络,同时为驻扎在斯图加特的陆军机场建立基于IP话音的网络。)
3. Panzer Elite Mortar Halftrack barrage tuned by adding 1s to each cool down. (翻译:装甲精英迫击炮半履带车弹幕炮弹发射间隔时间增加1秒。)
4. A forward panzer grenadier company held the attack briefly, while panzer reserves were mobilized . (翻译:先头的一个装甲掷弹兵连暂时守住了,以便装甲预备队的调动。)
5. If they suspect that's a Panzer division, we'll be sorting it out real quick. (翻译:如果他们怀疑是一个装甲师,我们就会很快撤出了.)
6. The 21st Panzer Division was already in action north of Caen against the British bridgeheads . (翻译:第21装甲师在卡昂北部与英军桥头堡部队作战。)
7. Then at least release the 4 panzer division either to Rundstedt or to Rommel's. (翻译:那至少要下放四个装甲师的指挥权 给伦德施泰特或隆美尔都可以)
8. The greatest advantage of the panzer army group was swiftness , which came from high level machinery. (翻译:装甲集团军最大的优势是迅速,这都得益于高度的机械化。)
9. The First German Panzer Division has entered the rue de Castiglione. (翻译:德军第一装甲师... 已经开进加斯提里昂路)
10. The Panzer IV was the only German tank to fight on the front - line from the first day to the bitter end of the war. (翻译:四号坦克是唯一一种自开战当日直至战争结束,一直艰苦战斗在最前线的德国坦克。)
11. But the wheather was rainy and since i know france terrain, the force of panzer and luftwaffe would lack speed. (翻译:但是,我知道法国的地形和异常的恶劣雨天,将影响德国的空军和装甲部队的速度。)
12. There was the murder weapon, (翻译:现场有凶器 Maier的衣物上沾有Panzer的血渍)
13. If we don't find that panzer column, there will be no tank battle. (翻译:乔,我们不找到那坦克群 那就不会有坦克会战)
14. What if Red John took murdering Panzer as some kind of invitation? (翻译:万一血手约翰把杀害Panzer 当成了某种邀请呢?)
15. General, another panzer column has been spotted four miles from the River Meuse. (翻译:将军! 另一队坦克 在马士尔河4哩外被发现)