paper formulation的中文解释是"纤维配比",作为名词时有"配浆比率"的意思,单词读音音标为[paperformulation],paper formulation常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到70个与paper formulation相关的例句。
Paper formulation的翻译
例句:ABSTRACT: Objective To optimize the preparation and formulation of docetaxel-containing liposome. (摘要:目的优化制备多西紫杉醇脂质体的工艺和处方。)
例句:You have friends at the Paper, right? (你有朋友在报社 对吗? You have friends at the paper, right?)
paper formulation一般作为名词使用,如在formulation(①公式化②制定 )、Eurocommercial Paper(un. 欧洲商业本票\n[网络] 欧洲商业票据)、Paper Barrel(纸面石油)等常见短语中出现较多。
formulation | ①公式化②制定 |
Eurocommercial Paper | un. 欧洲商业本票\n[网络] 欧洲商业票据 |
Paper Barrel | 纸面石油 |
Paper Drum | 卷纸辊 |
Paper Trade | [网络] 纸张贸易;交易;模拟交易 |
displacement formulation | 位移法 |
emulsifiable formulation | 乳油 |
equilibrium formulation | 平衡法 |
encapsulated formulation | 微囊剂 |
explicit formulation | 显式 |
1. The perfuming means allows for greater formulation flexibility with regard to fragrances. (翻译:所述加香部件允许对于芳香剂的更大制剂灵活性。)
2. The beads in this formulation are actually liposomes entrapping liposomes. (翻译:在此配方中的珠子实际上是脂质体包埋脂质体。)
3. A letter from Ms. Paper Village. (翻译:一封来自 Paper Village 小姐的信.)
4. Discussion on the Soakage Time of Carbonless Copy Base Paper in National Standard (翻译:对国家标准中无碳复写纸原纸浸水时间的商榷)
5. Weak acidity formulation, geniality, not stimulate the skin. (翻译:弱酸性配方,温和、不刺激肌肤。)
6. We elementarily study the application of plastic pigment in coating formulation of LWC. (翻译:论文对塑料颜料在轻量涂布纸涂料中的应用做了初步研究。)
7. Paper can always be put back together. (翻译:因为碎纸机总能拼起来 because shredded paper can always be put back together.)
8. Objective Searching for the optimum formulation of "Diedabang Cataplasms". (翻译:目的优选“跌打榜巴布剂”的最佳工艺。)
9. Hillel and Confucius: The Proscriptive Formulation of the Golden Rule in the Jewish and Chinese Ethical Traditions (翻译:希勒尔和孔子:犹太伦理传统与中国伦理传统关于黄金律的禁止式表述)
10. Paper company's just a front. (翻译:他们储藏可以摧毁世界的病毒的地方 造纸厂只是个幌子)
11. Is the CIO involved in strategy formulation or just an implementer? (翻译:CIO有没有参与战略的制定?还是仅仅是一名实现者? )
12. We find that the optimum dosage of latex 3788 in formulation of LWC is 16%. (翻译:研究确定胶乳3788在轻量涂布纸涂料配方中最佳用量为16%。)
13. I suggest Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. (翻译:由于出法太少 相熟的玩家 有75%到80%的可能性会打平 我建议采用石头)
14. OPHI Working Paper 38, July 2010. (翻译:OPHI工作论文38,xx年xx月。)
15. Or Sometimes Paper Football. (翻译:或者纸质橄榄球什么的 Or Sometimes Paper Football.)