parabolic sheaf是什么意思 parabolic sheaf的中文翻译、读音、例句

parabolic sheaf是什么意思 parabolic sheaf的中文翻译、读音、例句

parabolic sheaf的中文解释是"抛物层",其次还有"抛物层"的意思,在线发音:[parabolicsheaf],parabolic sheaf在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到57个与parabolic sheaf相关的例句。

Parabolic sheaf的翻译


例句:Well, the only way to experience zero-g on Earth is actually with parabolic flight, weightless flight. (那么,在地球上体验零重力的唯一方法就是 用抛物线飞行来体验)


parabolic sheaf一般作为名词使用,如在sheaf(一捆 )、parabolic(①抛物线的②寓言的 )、dual of sheaf([数] 对偶被动边界点)等常见短语中出现较多。

dual of sheaf[数] 对偶被动边界点
dualizing sheaf对偶化层
fine sheaf优层
flabby sheaf松弛层
gap sheaf沟层
harmonic sheaf调和层
head of sheaf禾捆的上部分


1. Anna recorded the entire conversation with a parabolic mike from the building next door. (翻译:安娜录下了整个谈话过程 用一个放在隔壁房间的隐蔽的麦克风)

2. Along the direction of the coal mining face length, the loading distribution of the powered support would present tow parabolic laws. (翻译:沿工作面长度方向,支架载荷分布呈现二次抛物线规律;)

3. The approximation of the parabolic integro-differential equations is studied with anisotropic biquadratic finite element. (翻译:研究具有各向异性特征的双二次元对抛物积分微分方程进行了逼近。)

4. Efficiency and gain of a parabolic antenna directly depend on the degree of accomplishing of these demands. (翻译:抛物面天线的效率和增益完全取决于实现这些要求的程度。)

5. Gaudi pioneered the parabolic arch, with its perfect distribution of load. (翻译:高迪首创了抛物线拱,其载荷分布完美。)

6. Here are some fun images. Here's Burt Rutan and my good friend Greg Meronek inside a zero gravity -- people think a zero gravity room, there's a switch on there that turns it off -- but it's actually parabolic flight of an airplane. (翻译:这里有些有趣的图片,这是伯特·鲁坦 和我的好朋友格雷格在无重力的环境下。人们觉得在一间零重力的房间里, 是有一个开关可以关掉它的。但这实际上通过让一架飞机做抛物线飞行来实现。)

7. Here are some fun images. Here's Burt Rutan and my good friend Greg Meronek inside a zero gravity -- people think a zero gravity room, there's a switch on there that turns it off -- but it's actually parabolic flight of an airplane. (翻译:这里有些有趣的图片,这是伯特·鲁坦 和我的好朋友格雷格在无重力的环境下。人们觉得在一间零重力的房间里, 是有一个开关可以关掉它的。但这实际上通过让一架飞机做抛物线飞行来实现。)

8. The Lockheed design USES an inverted parabolic shape over a V-shaped engine array. (翻译:洛克希德采用了一种在V型引擎阵列上安置倒抛物线状尾翼的设计。)

9. Results indicate that the center of the optical spatial solitons moves on a parabolic trajectory and the spatial frequency trans. (翻译:积分结果表明,光学空间孤子的中心按照抛物线轨迹运动,空间频率的横向分量随传播距离线性地变。)

10. Markets that have gone parabolic, as the ones for many commodities have, are apt to, um, consolidate every once in a while at lower levels. (翻译:呈现抛物线的市场,正如许多大宗商品那样,往往会隔一段时间就会在较低水平整固一下。)

11. Parabolic equations with nonlocal boundary conditions arise from quasi-static elasticity, electrochemistry and etc. (翻译:在准静态弹性力学中常遇到求解带有非局部边界条件的抛物方程初边值问题。)

12. The energy inequality and parabolic monotonicity inequality is essential for the regularity of a weak solution to this problem. (翻译:该问题弱解的能量不等式和抛物单调不等式在证明弱解的正则性时起关键作用。)

13. Dan, I think what she is saying... is that this wheat offering is sort of ceremonial... and that it is the first sheaf... the first cut of the harvest. (翻译:丹, 我想她是在说... ...这种麦穗献礼是一种仪式... 那是第一束...)

14. He does not work with a computer or with drafting equipment; each of his buildings begins with a sheaf of paint- dappled pages. (翻译:他从不用计算机或绘图设备,他的每一个建筑都是从一捆色彩斑驳的纸开始的。)

15. A parabolic correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers. (翻译:结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。)

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