parachorda是什么意思 parachorda的中文翻译、读音、例句

parachorda是什么意思 parachorda的中文翻译、读音、例句

经过查询,parachorda是一个拼写错误,正确的拼写应该是parachute cord。

parachute cord的中文翻译是“降落伞绳”,也被称为“550绳”。这是一个由尼龙制成的高强度绳,可以承受550磅的重量,非常坚固耐用。



1. 我们需要一些降落伞绳来制作这个野营帐篷。

2. 这条降落伞绳可以承受巨大的重量,非常安全可靠。

3. 把降落伞绳绑在树枝上可以制作一个简单的秋千。

4. 他们使用降落伞绳制作了一张漂浮床,这样他们就可以在水上放松了。

5. 如果你迷路了,降落伞绳可以用来制作一个指南针来找到方向。

6. 这个急救包包含一些降落伞绳,可以在紧急情况下用来制作临时救援工具。

7. 降落伞绳也可以用来制作各种手工艺品,如手链、项链等。




例句:The separation of meta- and para- methyl cresol ether using six type of packed and fused silica capillary columns is compared. (比较了不同固定液的填充柱和毛细管柱对间、对甲酚甲醚异构体的分离效果。)


1. Some structural and electric para meter characteristics of the MBK were explained in the article. (翻译:介绍了多束速调管的结构特点和一些特性估计。)

2. - From the State of Para, Castanha, by Braganca Railway. (翻译:- 帕拉州的卡斯塔尼亚,坐布拉干萨线过来的.)

3. I'm talking about the scientific verification of extrasensory perception and forces which until today have only been seen as para-science... (翻译:我是在说超感知觉的科学证实 到今天仍被当做伪科学...)

4. That light was emanating from a copper bowl being carried by a man, a man fitting the description of one Para-freaking-celsus. (翻译:一个男人拿著铜碗 碗里放射出光芒 听描述就是他娘的Paracelsus)

5. Are you saying the producers started the rumor? (翻译:你是说生产者 开始的谣言? CHORD:)

6. You create peer-to-peer learning, or you create para-teachers, or you bring in specialist skills. (翻译:可以采用互帮互助学习 或者设立辅导教师,还有利用一些特殊技能)

7. Para 9 In desperation and disgust, Rabe roamed the city, trying to prevent atrocities himself. (翻译:怀着无比绝望和憎恨的心情,罗贝在市里四处奔走,试图亲自阻止这倒行逆施。)

8. Parabens are a chemical compound of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, and common types of parabens include butyl, propyl and ethylparabens. (翻译:parabens是一种化学化合物的第羟基苯甲酸,和常见的parabens包括丁基,丙基和乙基parabens。)

9. Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (翻译:每个人都迷迷糊糊 皮特吸得脸发白 所以我们让他留下休息)

10. But I must be confused because the John Locke I know was para... (翻译:不过我肯定是搞错了 我认识的约翰洛克是...)

11. Note the age, gravida, para, and gestational age. (翻译:记录年龄,孕次,产次和孕周。)

12. He was an athlete before the lesion. He's a para-athlete right now. (翻译:脊髓损伤前他是一名运动员 现在他是一名残疾运动员 )

13. Yo estoyaquipara servirles. (翻译:有什么需要就告诉我 我随时为你们服务 Yo estoy aquí para servirles,)

14. Para-xylene is an important organic chemical material, which is mainly used in synthesizing terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate. (翻译:对二甲苯是一种重要的有机化工原料,主要用于合成对苯二甲酸或对苯二甲酸二甲酯。)

15. combat dress: para-helmet and helmet net, woodland camo Dannison smocks, green wool scarf. (翻译:身着战斗制服包括,加了伪装网的伞兵盔,林地迷彩丹尼森防风罩衣,绿色羊毛领巾。)

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