parametric hypothesis是什么意思 parametric hypothesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

parametric hypothesis是什么意思 parametric hypothesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

parametric hypothesis的中文解释是"参数假设",作为名词时有"参数假设"的意思,发音是[parametrichypothesis],parametric hypothesis来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到22个与parametric hypothesis相关的例句。

Parametric hypothesis的翻译


例句:The surprise corroborates our novelty hypothesis. (这个意外事件证实了 我们的新颖性假设。)


parametric hypothesis一般作为名词使用,如在non parametric hypothesis(非参数假设)、hypothesis(假设 )、parametric amplification(参量放大)等常见短语中出现较多。

non parametric hypothesis非参数假设
parametric amplification参量放大
parametric amplifier[电] 参数放大器
parametric amplifiers参数放大器
parametric arrayun. 参量阵\n[网络] 声参量阵
parametric assumption参数假设
parametric borehole参数井
parametric circuit参数电路


1. His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis. (翻译:他的第四个假说是可理解的输入假说。)

2. That is a parametric equation for the sphere. (翻译:那是球体的一个参数方程。)

3. On the parametric features of the spatial distribution of Sagitta enflata and Sagitta bedoti in the northern part of the East China Sea (翻译:东海北部肥胖箭虫和百陶箭虫空间分布参数的特征)

4. The causes are the non-parametric parts of semi-parametric model make some adjustment and thus to cut down on the errors of the model. (翻译:究其原因,半参数模型的非参数分量起到了调整作用,降低了模型估计误差。)

5. My hypothesis is, American soldiers are good, usually. (翻译:而我的假设是,美国士兵通常情况下是好的。)

6. Two opposing scenarios, the "arboreal" hypothesis and the "cursorial" hypothesis, have traditionally been put forward concerning the origins of bird flight. (翻译:关于鸟类飞行的起源,传统上提出了两种对立的假设:“地栖说”和“树栖说”。)

7. This led me, as a behavioral economist, to an intriguing hypothesis. (翻译:这让我,想到一个有趣的假设。)

8. The foregut hypothesis was later contested. (翻译:前肠的假设后来引起争议。)

9. - The Riemann Hypothesis, huh? (翻译:这是黎曼假设吗? 是啊 我向数学系的教授借来的)

10. Fortunately, the collision hypothesis is testable. (翻译:幸运的是,碰撞假说是可验证的。)

11. To test his hypothesis, he carried radiation detectors high into the sky. (翻译:为了验证这个假设,他携带着辐射探测器 To test his hypothesis, he carried radiation detectors 飞向高空 high into the sky.)

12. This alone does not prove the Boserup hypothesis. (翻译:这个没有证明Boserup的假设。)

13. So that brings us to our next hypothesis. (翻译:所以说我们的下一个猜想 So that brings us to our next hypothesis.)

14. The feasibility and correctness of the parametric design for hydropneumatic recuperator are validated by an example. (翻译:通过实例验证了对复进机参数化设计的可行性和正确性。)

15. NURBS curves are among the most commonly used Parametric curves in CAGD and computer graphics. (翻译:NURBS 曲线是计算机辅助几何设计和计算机图形中最常用的参数曲线。)

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