paramatman是什么意思 paramatman的中文翻译、读音、例句

paramatman是什么意思 paramatman的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:atman or the self cannot be defined in words , but can be experienced through intuition. (神我或自性不能用言语来界定,但可以通过直觉来经验。)


例句:Urumqi is located in the drought param os central region of the Eurasia with richer and wild plant germplasm resources of arid region. (乌鲁木齐地处高寒干旱的亚欧大陆腹地,有着较为丰富的干旱区野生植物种质资源。)


paramatman一般作为名词使用,如在Paramatman(n. 【印度教】绝对大我;最高的宇宙我)等常见短语中出现较多。

Paramatmann. 【印度教】绝对大我;最高的宇宙我


1. 'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pum paara Zoobi doobi param pum' (翻译:Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pum paara Zoobi doobi param pum)

2. Since the gunas no longer have any purpose to serve for the Atman, they resolve themselves into Prakrit. (翻译:34当三德不在为阿特曼服务时,它们就分解成原质。)

3. He already knew to feel Atman in the depths of his being, indestructible , one with the universe. (翻译:他已学会如何在自我存在的深层体认识阿特曼--永恒不坏,与宇宙合一。)

4. context-param>and param-name>org.richfaces.SKIN (翻译:param>和 param-name>org.richfaces.SKIN )

5. George you gave me an extra hundred. (翻译:- 的PARAM吗? 你给我一个额外的几百人。)

6. As the reflection of its consciousness falls upon the mind, the mind takes the form of the Atman and appears to be conscious. (翻译:当这种意识反映到心上时,心就采取了阿特曼的形式,并看似有了意识。)

7. The sattwa guna is merely the agent of the Atman, which is independent, existing only for its own sake. (翻译:萨捶仅仅是阿特曼的工具,而阿特曼则是独立存在的。)

8. The Atman and so on, they are just theories. (翻译:有灵魂存在,但那只是理论而已。)

9. I prefer this strict approach because if usercode is adding the same param twice it will likely be a bug somewhere in the users code. (翻译:我喜欢这种严格的方法,因为如果用户代码是添加相同的两次它会在用户代码的地方了。)

10. "But. . . " said the uncle, and out came the traditional belief in Atman, the soul, the permanent entity which continues. (翻译:“但是……”那位叔父说道,接着就讲出了对阿特曼、灵魂、永续存在的实体的传统信仰。)

11. I've faced the death of my wife and several of my children, but I am concerned about this Atman as a reality. (翻译:我面对过我妻子和我几个孩子的死亡。)

12. Ignorance is destroyed by awakening to knowledge of the Atman, until no trace of illusion remains. (翻译:摧毁无明的方法是唤醒阿特曼的认识,直到没有幻相残留。)

13. The single absolute being pervading the universe and found within the individual; atman. (翻译:宇宙中和可在个体中找到的独一无二的绝对存在;自我)

14. Fourth param is a string, a label to be displayed on the right of the element. (翻译:第四个参数是一个字元串,即一个将显示在数据项右边的标签。)

15. To put a parameter into the tunnel, you simply add tunnel= "yes" to an xsl: with-param instruction. (翻译:为了把参数放入通道中,只需要为xsl:with-param指令加上tunnel=“yes”。)

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