parantiselena是什么意思 parantiselena的中文翻译、读音、例句

parantiselena是什么意思 parantiselena的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Anti-government, anti-law enforcement. (反政府 犯法律势力横行 Anti -government, anti -law enforcement.)


1. They made an awful start, well below par. (翻译:他们做了一个可怕的开始... 低于标准杆。)

2. I've never made par on a course before. (翻译:我从来没在高尔夫球场 打出平标准杆的成绩)

3. Wonderful ammunitionforthe anti Europeans. (翻译:反欧洲分子该高兴了 Wonderful ammunitionforthe anti Europeans.)

4. Wait, you guys, check out this picture of Selena Gomez. (翻译:等一下,你们这些家伙,看看 这幅画塞莱娜戈麦斯。)

5. He had secret anti-tank weapons... which could reach a temperature of 5,000 degrees! (翻译:他有秘密的反坦克武器... He had secret anti -tank weapons...)

6. Justin, 17, and Selena embraced in Indonesia, where he was performing in concert. (翻译:xx日,在印尼演唱会演出完后,贾斯汀拥抱了塞莱娜。)

7. - I do not give in out of cowardice. (翻译:我不会因为胆怯收回的 Je ne vais pas reculer par lâcheté,)

8. Did you handle the Selena Gomez stalker? (翻译:你处理过赛琳娜 -戈麦斯被跟踪的案件吗?)

9. OK, OK, OK. where are the chickens around here? (翻译:好了好了 这里的鸡都在哪 Bon ça va, où se trouvent les poules par ici ?)

10. And over time, you forgive. Laugh about it, even. (翻译:时间久了 也就一笑了之 On finit même par en rire.)

11. Or be bloodless Suffocated by your own tongue (翻译:窒息而死 失血过多 Ou être exsangue, mourir étouffé par sa langue)

12. Selena recently revealed that they had made a decision to go public with their romance. (翻译:塞莱娜最近透漏,他们已经决定公开恋情了。她告诉xx岁杂志“我不喜欢遮遮掩掩。” )

13. An anti-witch charm in every poke. (翻译:每袋附送反女巫符咒 两便士 An anti -witch charm in every poke.)

14. Which would put their helicopters on par with ours in a heartbeat. (翻译:那他们的直升机瞬间就能达到我们的水平 不会发生的)

15. Never as stunning as you, Selena. Your tail is breathtaking. (翻译:从来没有你夺目 塞莱娜 你的尾巴令人惊叹)

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