例句:The mer-ka-ba has pointy sharp edges that cut the rotational Language of Light based flow of earth and tears at her chakras and auric field. (摩卡巴具有非常尖锐和锋利的边缘会切开基于旋转光之语的地球能量,并撕开她的脉轮和金场。)
例句:It will be remembered that he had carried off the candlesticks when he made his escape from Montreuil- sur -Mer. (我们还记得,当他从滨海蒙特勒伊逃跑时,他是带着这一对烛台的。)
例句:Meriasol is poisonous to humans, not to birds. (Meríasol只对人类有毒 对鸟类无害 该毒素来自它们吃的浆果)
1. Meriasol is poisonous to humans, not to birds. (翻译:Meríasol只对人类有毒 对鸟类无害 该毒素来自它们吃的浆果)
2. Juliano Mer-Khamis, Jew, Arab, actor and activist, died on April 4th, aged 52. (翻译:朱利亚诺•麦-哈麦斯,犹太人,阿拉伯人,演员及激进分子,死于xx月xx日,xx岁。)
3. Juliano Mer-Khamis, Jew, Arab, actor and activist, died on April 4th, aged 52 (翻译:朱利亚诺•麦-哈麦斯,犹太人,阿拉伯人,演员及激进分子,死于xx月xx日,xx岁。)
4. The purified biliverdin reductase from cow spleen was a mono-mer protein with a molecular weight of about 34000. (翻译:纯牛脾胆绿素还原酶是分子量约34,000的单体蛋白质。)
5. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light Bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. (翻译:结果会导致你的黄金场和梅尔-卡-那光体经过感应,形成最终的能量运作。)
mer is a mess, derek is a mess, yoe a mess, And I am in charge, and I say that no one is down here. (翻译:Mer乱成一团 Derek也一团糟 你也一团糟 现在我说了算 这儿没有人)
7. She may have had syncope or a seizure-- hey, mer. (翻译:- 当时她也许发生了昏厥或者抽搐... - 嘿 Mer)
8. Cerise: I might have to ask my 4 supervisor about that. (翻译:喜瑞丝:这个我得问一下我的主管。)
9. A human base on Meridiani Planum , now being explored by Squyres and his MER team, would be a good place to start. (翻译:而斯奎尔和他的火星巡回者任务团队正在探索的子午线地盘,会是个很好的起点。)
10. Single cerise-red. TL variegated, heart-shaped. Semiminiature. (翻译:单瓣樱桃红色花。TL心型斑叶。半迷你型。)
11. A contract is a contract, says Marjory Fields, a for mer New York judge now practising as an international divorce lawyer. (翻译:合同就是合同,马乔里•菲尔德说道。他曾是纽约的一位法官,目前是一位办理跨国离婚业务的律师。)
12. We just need to know if they have a Meriasol tree. (翻译:那里是否有Meríasol树 在地图上标出地中海)
13. I am henri? Tte durand, logopediste in berck sur mer. (翻译:我叫亨瑞特・杜兰 我是贝尔克海军医院的治疗员)
14. MER was in a building adjacent to the Mission Control building. (翻译:任务评估室在紧邻任务控制室的一幢建筑里。)
15. If I had had the big box, I would now know taupe and cerise and ecru. (翻译:我要是那时有大盒的蜡笔,我就能分辨出灰褐色,樱桃红,还有米色。)