merahanone是什么意思 merahanone的中文翻译、读音、例句

merahanone是什么意思 merahanone的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Clearly, Han just resents our success. (很明显 Han是嫉妒我们的成功 Clearly, Han just resents our success.)


例句:Some scars never heal, such as lingchi, a torture invented by the Han Dynasty... (譬如凌迟 那是汉朝发明的酷刑 such as lingchi, a torture invented by the Han Dynasty --)





1. Han, you stand there and try to look smart. (翻译:Han 你站着 装作你很聪明就可以了 Han, you stand there and try to look smart.)

2. Someone else has to feed Han. (翻译:换你们来喂Han吧 Someone else has to feed Han.)

3. Han mentioned he left his enemies in his rear view. (翻译:Han mentioned he left his enemies in his rear view. Han说他把敌人都抛在脑后了)

4. Han, why are you wasting your time kissing her? (翻译:Han 你干嘛浪费时间亲她? Han, why are you wasting your time kissing her?)

5. Someday, Mera, I will be on the throne and you will guard my body. (翻译:梅拉,有一天我会坐上宝座 而你会成为我的护卫)

6. The following article is a review for the progress on the antiseptic resistance gene such as qac and merA. (翻译:本文对季胺类和重金属等消毒防腐剂耐药基因作一综述。)

7. Victor Han is alive, Michael. (翻译:Victor Han还活着 Michael)

8. And I got an extra one for Mr. Han. (翻译:And I got an extra one for Mr. Han.)

9. Victor Han, a former high-ranking official (翻译:Victor Han 前美国国土安全局的)

10. He will learn at my side, Mera. Bring him to me at once. (翻译:他可以在我身边学习,梅拉 立刻把他带过来)

11. Han, I told you... it's bend and wipe, then up come your big boy pants. (翻译:Han 跟你讲过了... 弯腰 擦干净 提上裤子就行)

12. Max, did Han just save us? (翻译:Max 刚刚Han是不是救了我们? Max, did Han just save us?)

13. Thanks for the party, Han. (翻译:谢谢你能来帮我主持派对 Han Thanks for the party, Han.)

14. (Caroline) Han, not too close. (翻译:Han 别靠太近了 Han, not too close.)

15. The following article is a review for the progress on the antiseptic resistance gene such as qac and merA. (翻译:文章对季胺类和重金属等消毒防腐剂耐药基因作一综述。)

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