parasite rate是什么意思 parasite rate的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasite rate是什么意思 parasite rate的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasite rate的意思是"寄生虫率",作为名词时有"医"的意思,读音为[parasiterate],parasite rate在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到31个与parasite rate相关的句子。

Parasite rate的中文翻译


例句:Here we are talking a parasite -- not a two-legged parasite, but an eight-legged parasite, of course. (我们说的是寄生者, 并不是两只脚的寄生者, 而是六只脚的寄生者。)


例句:Yes, but at this rate, it will take forever. (可是这样的话你们永远也完不成 yes but at this rate it will take forever)


parasite rate一般作为名词使用,如在parasite(寄生虫 )、diheteroxenic parasite([医] 二宿主性寄生物)、economic parasite(经济寄生者)等常见短语中出现较多。

diheteroxenic parasite[医] 二宿主性寄生物
economic parasite经济寄生者
ectophytic parasite[医] 植物性外寄生物, 外寄生菌
ectozoic parasite[医] 动物性外寄生物, 外寄生虫
ectozoiic parasite外寄生动物
epiglossal parasite舌上寄生胎
epiphytic parasite[医] 体表寄生菌
erratic parasite[医] 歧途性寄生物


1. In that case, a parasite gets into a mouse and it needs to get into the belly of a cat. (翻译:比如,一只寄生虫进入了老鼠身体里 因为它需要进到猫肚子里)

2. The Toxoplasma gondii parasite can infect most animals and birds, but it reproduces in cats, which can shed the parasite in their feces. (翻译:鼠弓形体可以感染大部分的兽类和鸟类,但它在猫体内增殖,并通过粪便排出。)

3. A candiru, a vicious parasite, will swim up the urine into your pau. (翻译:吸血鳗,一种恐怖的寄生虫 会游进你小弟弟里)

4. The rate of new cases is increasing. (翻译:新案子越来越多了 The rate of new cases is increasing.)

5. Why would you do that? , Eli. (翻译:我得说 自从遇上你们 And can I just say my freaking heart rate)

6. At least partially, at any rate. (翻译:至少部分解决了 At least partially, at any rate.)

7. So the parasite is a very big scientific challenge to tackle, but so is the mosquito that carries the parasite. (翻译:所以这种疟疾寄生虫对科学研究而言形成巨大挑战, 携带疟疾寄生虫的蚊子也如此。)

8. Seems to me that a savings account would yield a higher rate of return. (翻译:在我看来 储蓄账户 Seems to me that a savings account 会比这利润更高些 would yield a higher rate of return.)

9. But perhaps, that's just a parasite talking. (翻译:但是,也许我所说的只是被寄生虫操控的结果罢了。)

10. Everyone has been talking about your compression rate. (翻译:大家都在讨论你们 Everyone has been talking about your compression rate.)

11. You have no idea what the job entails, nasty parasite. (翻译:你不知道的工作需要什么,\ Nnasty寄生虫。)

12. You have a first-rate memory, young man. (翻译:年轻人,你真是记忆力超群 You have a first -rate memory, young man.)

13. And if the magnetic pulse rate goes up before the quakes... (翻译:如果磁脉冲速率在地震发生之前上升... And if the magnetic pulse rate goes up before the quakes...)

14. Concur, based on bearing rate. (翻译:目标可能在移动 Possible target zig based on bearing rate.)

15. The lowest ratio of council workers to rate income. (翻译:人员编制与个人收入比值最低 The lowest ratio of council workers to rate income.)

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