paraprenanthes multiformis在英语中代表"三裂假福王草"的意思,还经常被翻译为三裂假福王草,读音为[paraprenanthesmultiformis],paraprenanthes multiformis在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到83个与paraprenanthes multiformis相关的例句。
Paraprenanthes multiformis的中文翻译
例句:You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- (You know Germans have an interesting pre -wedding custom --)
paraprenanthes multiformis一般作为名词使用,如在Paraprenanthes multiformis(n. 三裂假福王草)、multiformis([网络] 多型海蜷)、Paraprenanthes(n. 假福王草属)等常见短语中出现较多。
Paraprenanthes multiformis | n. 三裂假福王草 |
multiformis | [网络] 多型海蜷 |
Paraprenanthes | n. 假福王草属 |
Haverhillia multiformis | [医] 多形哈佛希耳菌, 念珠状链杆菌 |
Lamina multiformis | 多形[细胞]层 |
zona multiformis | 多形性区 |
Paraprenanthes auriculiformis | n. 圆耳假福王草 |
Paraprenanthes glandulosissima | n. 密毛假福王草 |
Paraprenanthes gracilipes | n. 长柄假福王草 |
Paraprenanthes hastata | n. 三角叶假福王草 |
1. Note the age, gravida, para, and gestational age. (翻译:记录年龄,孕次,产次和孕周。)
2. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)
3. So, Pre, I'm ready if you are. (翻译:So, Pre, 我准备好了 如果你乐意)
4. What happened to your multi-billion dollar DEA budget? (翻译:格雷西︰对你的发生什么 multi -1000000000美元迪娅预算吗?)
5. Fortunately, I have a multi-step plan. (翻译:算你走运 我制定了多步计划 Fortunately, I have a multi -step plan.)
6. Nan checked out two weeks ago. (翻译:南两周前退房了 Nan checked out two weeks ago.)
7. A woman's brain is pre-wired to use speech as a main form of expression and this is one of her strengths. (翻译:女人的大脑是早就构架好的,是把谈话作为一种主要的表达方式,这是她的强项。)
8. The explicit values remain as NaNs. (翻译:显式的值仍然保留为 NaN。)
9. Nan's got Olivia, so she'll be fine for a few days. (翻译:Nan找到Olivia了 她这几天都不会有事)
10. Final Malaga 2-1 overcome Para multi- Lieder , obtains the season first goal at the same time to harvest the first victory. (翻译:最终马拉加2-1力克巴拉多利德,取得赛季首个进球的同时收获首场胜利。)
11. Between me, Pre and K enny, $ 10,000. (翻译:我 Pre 还有 Kenny $10,000)
12. Please welcome Nana Vasconcelos. (翻译:请欢迎 呐呐塞洛斯 “Naná Vasconcelos” )
13. Since has continues one form globalization, to it research must be the multi-dimensions and omni-directional. (翻译:既然有着不止一种形式的全球化,对之的研究也就应当是多维度和全方位的。)
14. The main form of future air battle would be featured by multi targets BVR (Beyond Visual Range). (翻译:多目标超视距空战将是今后空战的主要形式和发展趋势。)
15. We knew each other in Form 4. (翻译:We knew each other in Form 4.)