parasol insertion是什么意思 parasol insertion的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasol insertion是什么意思 parasol insertion的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasol insertion在英语中代表"伞形附着、医"的意思,作为名词时有"脐带"的意思,在线读音是[parasolinsertion],parasol insertion来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到97个与parasol insertion相关的例句。

Parasol insertion的词典翻译


例句:Objective: to study the diagnosis and management of the rupture of previa blood vessel of velamentous insertion of umbilical cord. (目的:探讨脐带帆状附着前置血管破裂的诊断及处理。)


例句:Breathe life into our hearts, by the insertion of your divine spirit. (by the insertion of your divine spirit.)


例句:Ladies, our thumbs are down, our wrists are flexed, and we're gonna position ourselves for insertion. (女士们,拇指向下,手腕弯曲 摆好姿势准备插入)


parasol insertion一般作为名词使用,如在parasol(阳伞 )、parasol aircraft(伞翼飞机)、parasol ant(【昆虫】樵蚁(产于南美热带地区);南美切叶蚁)等常见短语中出现较多。

parasol aircraft伞翼飞机
parasol ant【昆虫】樵蚁(产于南美热带地区);南美切叶蚁
parasol cell[网络] 阳伞细胞
parasol cells[网络] 伞型细胞
parasol monoplaneun. 伞式单翼机\n[网络] 伞形单翼机
parasol mushroom[医]伞形蘑菇
parasol mushrooms[医]伞形蘑菇\n(parasol mushroom 的复数)
parasol radiometer伞式辐射计


1. Ladies, our thumbs are down, our wrists are flexed, and we're gonna position ourselves for insertion. (翻译:女士们,拇指向下,手腕弯曲 摆好姿势准备插入)

2. Now, I wiggle up and down to break the tissue around the insertion point. (翻译:现在,我要把它晃动几下 管子会穿透插入点的皮下组织)

3. Note that this shifting occurs during the insertion of each individual character. (翻译:请注意,在插入每个个别的字元时,都会发生移位。)

4. On the beach, I stay fully dressed under a parasol. (翻译:我做不到 在沙滩上 我衣着整齐躲在阳伞下)

5. We identified 5 cultivars with the LTR-retrotransposon insertion out of 68 rice accessions. (翻译:在68份种质中鉴定出5个品种具有LTR反转座子插入。)

6. According to the controls, all the rods are enabled but something is physically blocking the insertion. (翻译:根据控制系统显示 所有的燃料棒都启用了 但是有东西卡在了嵌入处)

7. Caret: Proofreaders' insertion mark, indicating where the omission occurred and the insertion required. (翻译:增字符号:校对遇所用的符号,用来指出漏字所在和所需的增字。)

8. Derek's got us competing for a brain shunt insertion. (翻译:- 他脑子坏了? - Derek让我们竞争上岗 主刀手术)

9. A security guard stands on a carpeted plinth, his face shielded from the sun by a parasol. (翻译:一名保安站在铺着地毯的岗台上,阳伞遮住了头上的阳光。)

10. I bought a pretty parasol. (翻译:我买了一把漂亮的阳伞。)

11. Razor-thin skin graft as insertion for treatment of 36 cases of ankylosis of temporo-mandibular joint (翻译:刃厚皮片皮囊植入治疗真性颞下颌关节强直36例)

12. Results The PTCD was succeed in 21 cases, including 3 cases with insertion of biliary stent. (翻译:结果21例患者成功实施PTCD,其中3例行胆道内支架置入,1例患者PT CD未成功。)

13. An examination is carried out before the insertion of the tube. (翻译:插入导管前先要进行检查。)

14. Meanwhile, Christian introduces another batch of chicks to the real microlight, or rather a parasol attached to the real microlight. (翻译:同时 克里斯蒂安向另一群雏鸟介绍了真正的滑翔翼 甚至携带滑翔伞的真正滑翔翼)

15. Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right. (翻译:高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,膨大在插入,裂片重叠朝把或留给的右边。)

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