paravertebral lymph gland是什么意思 paravertebral lymph gland的中文翻译、读音

paravertebral lymph gland是什么意思 paravertebral lymph gland的中文翻译、读音

paravertebral lymph gland在英语中代表"脊柱旁淋巴结"的意思,在日常中也代表"脊柱旁淋巴结"的意思,在线发音:[paravertebrallymphgland],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到47个与paravertebral lymph gland相关的例句。

Paravertebral lymph gland的翻译


例句:The azygos vein ascends in the right paravertebral gutter. (奇静脉在右侧脊柱旁沟内上升。)


paravertebral lymph gland一般作为名词使用,如在lymph gland(n. 淋巴腺, 淋巴结)、paravertebral lymph node(脊柱旁淋巴结)、paravertebral([医] 脊柱旁的, 椎旁的)等常见短语中出现较多。

lymph glandn. 淋巴腺, 淋巴结
paravertebral lymph node脊柱旁淋巴结
paravertebral[医] 脊柱旁的, 椎旁的
duodenal lymph gland十二指肠淋巴腺
epigastric lymph gland腹壁淋巴腺
gastric lymph gland胃淋巴腺
hepatic lymph gland肝淋巴腺
hyoid lymph gland舌淋巴腺
infraspinatus lymph gland棘下淋巴腺


1. Mediastinal lymph nodes were usually hyperemic and enlarged . (翻译:纵隔淋巴结通常充血和增长。)

2. Her mother has an underactive adrenal gland. (翻译:她的母亲肾上腺机能不全。)

3. IHC Detection and its Clinical Significance of Micrometastasesin Lymph Nodes of Gastric Carcinoma (翻译:胃癌淋巴结微转移免疫组化检测方法的临床意义)

4. Melanocytic markers enhance the sensitivity of melanoma detection in sentinel lymph nodes. (翻译:黑色素细胞标记物提高了前哨淋巴结检测黑色素瘤的敏感性。)

5. Seen here in a hilar lymph node is a granuloma. (翻译:图示:肺门淋巴结处可见肉芽肿。)

6. The result of detecting lymph nodes with IUS was influenced by their location and size. (翻译:不同分区和淋巴结的大小对于检出率有影响。)

7. Traceable mammary gland is not the malignant tumor of epithelial tissue, it is mammary gland caruncle. (翻译:起源于乳腺非上皮组织的恶性肿瘤,是乳腺肉瘤。)

8. But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes. (翻译:幸运的是我们摘除了它, 当时它还未扩散到淋巴结。)

9. We will have to remove your tongue and make up for your infected lymph gland. (翻译:我们将不得不把你的舌头 和弥补你的受感染的淋巴结。)

10. The secretory cells of the zona fasciculata in the adrenal gland. (翻译:肾上腺皮质束状带的内分泌细胞。)

11. This article introduces the use of testing law division digital mammary gland images of the edge of mammary gland calcify point detection. (翻译:本文主要介绍运用阈值法和边缘检测法分割数字乳腺图像,实现对乳腺钙化点边缘的检测。)

12. Study on reticular framework around the high endothelial venulae in rats'lymph nodes (翻译:大鼠肠系膜淋巴结内高内皮微静脉周围网状支架的研究)

13. But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes. (翻译:幸运的是我们摘除了它, 当时它还未扩散到淋巴结。)

14. Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph. (翻译:血红根被用于肿胀的淋巴结。)

15. In some cases, CTCL spreads to the blood, lymph nodes, or internal organs. (翻译:在一些病例中,CTCL可扩散至血液、淋巴结或内部器官。)

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