merchant conveter是什么意思 merchant conveter的中文翻译、读音、例句

merchant conveter是什么意思 merchant conveter的中文翻译、读音、例句

merchant conveter通常被翻译为"胚布加工转卖商"的意思,其中文解释还有"胚布加工转卖商"的意思,发音音标为[merchantconveter],merchant conveter常被用作名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到42个与merchant conveter相关的例句。

Merchant conveter的释义


例句:The last merchant ship out of Kul Tiras sunk northeast of here. (最近从库尔提拉斯出发的商船在这里的东北方沉了。)


merchant conveter一般作为名词使用,如在dirt merchant(营销上)、domestic merchant([经] 国内商人)、doom merchant([网络] 注定的买卖)等常见短语中出现较多。

dirt merchant营销上
domestic merchant[经] 国内商人
doom merchant[网络] 注定的买卖
dishonest merchant[法] 奸商
dread merchant恐惧
enterprising merchant事业心强的商人
export merchant[经] 出口商
feather merchant[旧俚语]逃避责任的人;闲混的人;逃避兵役的人
foreign merchant[法]外商


1. The Isaiah Merchant family, right? (翻译:你是说商人Isaiah Merchant家族吗)

2. Well, it's not a bad life, the merchant marine, except for the U-boats. (翻译:怎么会 加入商船的日子并不坏 除了U型船的攻击外)

3. The robbers despoiled the merchant of his goods. (翻译:强盗们洗劫了那商人的财物。)

4. Martin, this is Vincent Swan, local wind-up merchant. (翻译:马丁 这位是文森史温 本地最油嘴滑舌的生意人)

5. Arnolfini was a member of a merchant family from Lucca living in Bruges. (翻译:阿尔诺菲尼是居住在比利时布鲁日的义大利卢卡商人。)

6. The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels. (翻译:这个船东仍拥有一支7艘货船的商船队。)

7. I need to pay the wine merchant, my colour man... (翻译:我需要付钱给酒馆以及颜料商人... I need to pay the wine merchant, my colour man...)

8. Leonid Voskovec, the herring merchant. (翻译:呃... 列奥尼德・沃斯科维克,鲱鱼商人。)

9. No bone... only flesh". "Merchant of Venice." (翻译:不可含软骨,不可带硬骨』 莎士比亚歌剧『威尼斯商人』)

10. Now I learn you are a rug merchant, selling the same rug to two customers. (翻译:现在我才知道 原来你是个奸商 Now I learn you are a rug merchant 把同一件商品卖给两个人 selling the same rug to two customers.)

11. Miss Sedley's papa was a merchant in London and a man of some wealth. (翻译:赛特笠小姐的爸爸在伦敦做买卖,手里很有几个钱。)

12. You attempted to feed a merchant seaman to some alligators? (翻译:你们意图将商船水手喂鳄鱼 究竟是怎么回事?)

13. Therefore there was great enmity between this covetous jew and the generous merchant antonio . (翻译:因此,这个贪婪的犹太人就跟慷慨的商人安东尼奥结下了很深的仇恨。)

14. The fine-wine merchant was an unusually respectable figure—for a tradesman. (翻译:对生意人来说,高级葡萄酒商通常是个体面人物。)

15. No traveller, emperor, merchant or poet has trodden on these sands and not gasped in awe. (翻译:所有曾踩踏过这片黄沙的... 旅客、帝王、商人和诗人 对之无不肃然起敬)

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