parchmentize是什么意思 parchmentize的中文翻译、读音、例句

parchmentize是什么意思 parchmentize的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Beyond ize and weight aving, the ytem provide ynergy for pre-miion planning, miion execution and pot-miion training and maintenance. (除了减小了尺寸和重量,该系统还提供了任务前规划、任务执行以及任务完成后的培训和维护的协同作用。)


1. The Chinon Parchment absolves the Templars of all heresy. Clement V issued that bull himself, in secret, in 1308. (翻译:奇诺布告在xx年秘密地解除了圣殿武士的所有异端指控。)

2. Will a parchment shield my people from the Yunkai 'i? (翻译:一卷羊皮纸就能让我的人民抵御渊凯人么? )

3. You are saying the parchment was basically recycled? (翻译:你是说羊皮纸基本上是循环利用的? )

4. areinthelastcarriage. Getthem, need parchment. (翻译:他们在最后一节车厢 抓住他们 我要那块石板)

5. A fine parchment made from calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books. (翻译:精制犊皮纸;精制羊皮纸用小牛皮、小绵羊皮或小山羊皮制成的精致纸张,用于书页或封皮)

6. Bring me that pile of parchment. (翻译:{\3cH937D2D\fs22}带那堆羊皮纸过来{\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} Bring me that pile of parchment.)

7. The parchment was written in the Common Tongue. The queen unrolled it slowly, studying the seals and signatures. (翻译:羊皮纸上使用的是通用语,女王缓缓打开它,研究着封印和签名。)

8. Considering the favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions at present, we're not going too far by calling . IZE the best restaurant in Sanya. (翻译:如今的.IZE冰源餐厅可以说是集聚了天时、地利、人和,称之为三亚最好的餐厅一点也不为过。)

9. I prepare to leave, on this parchment, my testimony... as to the wondrous and terrible events that I witnessed in my youth... towardstheendoftheyear of our Lord, 1 327. (翻译:...我打算离去的时候留下这张羊皮纸,我的证言... ...关于我年轻的时候所看到的奇异和可怕的事情... ...在公元xx年的年末.)

10. ... tworollsof parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis... (翻译:你们每人交一份关于狼人的文章 在我的桌子上)

11. I'd like to end, before going back to the Middle East, with a quote from one of the greatest Sheikhs to put quill to parchment. (翻译:在我赶回中东之前,我很高兴在此 引用一位伟大长老用鹅毛笔 写在羊皮纸上的话结束演讲, )

12. What the mix of wet-process and Miel pulp natural process parchment looks like BEFORE roasting. (翻译:什么样的湿法和米尔纸浆的自然过程羊皮纸组合看起来像以前焙烧。)

13. The British King may blot out the Stars of God from His sky, but he cannot blot out His words written on the Parchment there! (翻译:英国国王也许可以遮盖上帝撒布在天空中的星星,但是他不可能污渍在羊皮纸上写的祂的字语!)

14. If you've an ounce of Christian charity, then you'll bring me parchment, ink and a quill. (翻译:如果你还有些许信徒的仁爱之心 那就带给我羊皮纸,墨水和鹅毛笔)

15. The parchment, which has never been cut or smoothed, retains the outline of a sheep, the impression of its spinal column still visible. (翻译:此画所用的羊皮纸没有经过切割打磨,保留了羊皮的外形,羊脊柱的印记仍然清晰可见。)

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