parsoning是什么意思 parsoning的中文翻译、读音、例句

parsoning是什么意思 parsoning的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Object.notify unblocks a thread wait ing on the object. (notify为wait对象的线程解锁。)

例句:But economist Carsten Brzeski at ING Bank in Brussels says it was a disaster waiting to happen. (但是布鲁塞尔的ING银行的经济学家CarstenBrzeski说灾难即将到来。)


1. Most important, we are not dancing a tango. We're not to-ing and fro-ing. (翻译:还有最重要的 我们没有在跳探戈 我们没有你推我拉)

2. They want you for K ing Lear on Broadway. (翻译:他们希望你在K 荷兰国际集团利尔的百老汇。)

3. And not fit to set before a parson and a rich man. (翻译:不适合出现在一位牧师和一个有钱人的面前。And not fit to set before a parson and a rich man.)

4. I wonder why Parson Maybold took off like that, straight after marrying us. (翻译:不明白Maybold牧师怎么就这么走了, 才刚给我们主持完婚礼。I wonder why Parson Maybold took off like that, straight after marrying us.)

5. The to-ing and fro-ing of the past year and a half has been unedifying at best, and destructive at worst. (翻译:过去xx年半的反复折腾,往好了说是不光彩,往坏了说是具有破坏性。)

6. "The remaining China bears must have been steamrollered by yesterday's data, " said Tim Condon, ING's chief Asia economist. (翻译:ING亚洲首席经济学家TimCondon说,“昨天的数据肯定打击了剩下的那些看空人士。”)

7. Our market share is dro ing. (翻译:我们的市场份额在下降。)

8. Ble ing of Light and Greater Ble ing of Light removed. Their effects have been folded into all relevant abilities. (翻译:光明祝福和强效光明祝福移除。他们的效果被其他相关技能整合了。)

9. I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history. (翻译:我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。)

10. The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right toward the churchyard. (翻译:走在行列最前头的那位牧师,刚朝右转走向了教堂墓地。)

11. The official residence usually provided by a church for its parson ; a rectory . (翻译:牧师住宅管辖区通常由教会提供给牧师的正式寓所;教区长的管辖区。)

12. They swam right past the front of the boat fli ing and jumping as they went by. (翻译:看着他们游过船时,左右翻转,跳跃水面的画面实在难得。)

13. Someone just found her 69-ing a tabby in the alley. (翻译:-ing a tabby in the alley.)

14. But he got to where he was telling off presidents and kings. (翻译:but he got to where he was te11ing off但是他都能责备总统和国王 presidents and kings.)

15. And upstairs, I got the Chinese navy to sink this ship. (翻译:和楼上的,我得到了中国海军 try. ing沉这艘船。)

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