passivator是什么意思 passivator的中文翻译、读音、例句

passivator是什么意思 passivator的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Let's get an IV set up and then put a Foley in. (让我们的IV设置 然后放一根Foley英寸)


例句:Inject it into his IV line and pull the tube from his chest. (把它注射到他的静脉注射管中, 然后拔掉接到他胸部的管子)


passivator一般作为名词使用,如在metal passivator([化] 金属减活剂)、nickel passivator(镍钝化剂)、vanadium passivator(钒钝化剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

metal passivator[化] 金属减活剂
nickel passivator镍钝化剂
vanadium passivator钒钝化剂


1. This is fly-by, Mariner IV. (翻译:这是Mariner IV从火星飞过拍下的照片。)

2. I don't have much knowledge of the art world. (翻译:Psycho -Pass\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h 那混蛋的心理指数复制到这些人的头盔里了)

3. This is the next generation robot, DARwIn IV, much smarter, faster, stronger. (翻译:这是下一代,DARwIn四型, 更小,更快,更有力。)

4. In OFB mode, a seed or IV is used to start the encryption process. (翻译:在OFB方式中,使用一个种子或IV来开始加密过程。)

5. Could you please turn to page 63, and read paragraph two-A, Roman numeral IV? (翻译:你能翻到63页 读一下第二段A节 第IV条吗)

6. Horn Trio in E flat major, Op. 40: IV. Finale: Allegro con brio. (翻译:降E大调圆号三重奏,作品40: IV。终曲: 充满活力的快板。)

7. Mark IV gasifier was seriously bulged and the internal jacket had to be replaced. (翻译:IV型造气炉在运行过程中发生严重鼓包变形,需更换内夹套。)

8. You know... we have a lot of divorcees in Phase IV. (翻译:你知道... 我们有很多离婚 在第四阶段。)

9. Substrate degradation by type IV collagenase was measured by zymography. (翻译:采用酶谱方法检测IV型胶原酶对底物的降解。)

10. His young son took up the claim and was crowned Edward IV. (翻译:他年幼的儿子继承了他,成为了爱德华四世。)

11. I repeat, a civ unaccompanied on the base. (翻译:我再说一遍,AC: IV的基础上,举目无亲。)

12. Study on Cardiac and Venous Injuries Induced by Fast IV Injection of Daunomycin (翻译:快速静脉注射柔红霉素对心脏及静脉损害的研究)

13. How many Norbert Peter Steinke IV's you think there are in this world? (翻译:你觉得这世界上能有多少人 名叫诺伯特·彼得·施泰因克四世)

14. Opinions upon Amenophis IV , or Akhnaton, differ very widely. (翻译:对于阿米诺菲斯四世,即阿克那顿的评价有很大的分歧。)

15. Secretary of State has a car registered to him leaving Chicago on the I-PASS toll road, 2:00 AM. (翻译:州政府数据系统里查到他名下的一辆车 在凌晨两点经由电子收费公路离开芝加哥)

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