pattern of wells是什么意思 pattern of wells的中文翻译、读音、例句

pattern of wells是什么意思 pattern of wells的中文翻译、读音、例句

pattern of wells在中文中有"经、布井方案"的意思,作为名词时有"井网"的意思,读音为[patternofwells],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到67个与pattern of wells相关的例句。

Pattern of wells的词典翻译


例句:We can't just have H.G. Wells wandering around the world. (决不能让H. G. Wells在外边为所欲为)


例句:We got a pattern, my friend. (我们画出图像了 伙计 We got a pattern, my friend.)


例句:Well, let me tell you something, this Wells is an idiot. (这样 我跟你说 这个Wells就是个白痴)


pattern of wells一般作为名词使用,如在wells(n. 威尔斯(姓氏))、driven wells(管井;撞击井;机井)、gas wells([油气] 气井;天然气井)等常见短语中出现较多。

wellsn. 威尔斯(姓氏)
driven wells管井;撞击井;机井
gas wells[油气] 气井;天然气井
injection wells注入井
ink wells[网络] 墨水池
Llandrindod Wells[地名] 兰德林多德韦尔斯 ( 英 )
Llangammarch Wells[地名] 兰加马赫韦尔斯 ( 英 )
Llanwrtyd Wells[地名] 拉努蒂德韦尔斯 ( 英 )
Malvern Wells[地名] 莫尔文韦尔斯 ( 英 )


1. Well, let me tell you something, this Wells is an idiot. (翻译:这样 我跟你说 这个Wells就是个白痴)

2. It's an escaped H.G. Wells, Myks. (翻译:这是越狱的H. G. Wells啊 Myks)

3. I told you, I don't know any Claire Wells. (翻译:都说了 我不认识Claire Wells)

4. Making sure the fabric folds nicely (翻译:cutting out the pattern snip by snip)

5. But due to preferential hiring in government bids, we would suggest partnering with Mr. Wells. (翻译:不过鉴于政府招标的倾向性 我们会建议和Wells先生合伙)

6. So, Miss Wells, what exactly did you do with Dr. Robertson? (翻译:Wells小姐 你和Robertson怎么合作的?)

7. The ways of construction of emotional self mainly include Montaigne pattern, Pascal pattern, La rochefoucauld pattern, Rousseau pattern. (翻译:构建情感性自我的最重要的方式有蒙田模式、帕斯卡尔模式、拉罗什福科模式、卢梭模式。)

8. He's never heard of Bill Wells. (翻译:你猜怎么着 他从没听说过Bill Wells)

9. MacPherson used Claudia to gain access to Wells. (翻译:Wells本人? MacPherson利用了Claudia来接近Wells)

10. Dr. Wells, is completely inappropriate. (翻译:你的提议呢 Wells博士 非常的不合适)

11. Longer wells, higher pressures, higher volumes of frack fluids, more wells per pad. (翻译:它们是更深,压力越高, 化学品的使用等等。)

12. Oh! Cavorite was an anti-gravity metal that Wells about, but cavorite doesn't exist. (翻译:凯浮莱特是Wells写的 一种反重力的金属)

13. You didn't secure your legacy, Mr. Wells; you murdered it. (翻译:你不是在保卫你的遗产 Wells先生 你谋杀了他)

14. I need an intern. Where's Oliver Wells? (翻译:实习生 我急需实习生 Oliver Wells人呢)

15. You said this was a pattern? (翻译:你说这是她的习惯 时常失踪 You said this was a pattern?)

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