pelicans是什么意思 pelicans的中文翻译、读音、例句

pelicans是什么意思 pelicans的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:pelicans指的是鹈鹕,是一种大型水鸟,常出现在海岸、湖泊和河流等水域中。

2. 词性:pelicans是复数形式,单数形式为pelican。

3. 词组搭配:a flock of pelicans(一群鹈鹕)、pelican beak(鹈鹕喙)、brown pelican(棕色鹈鹕)

4. 短语:none

5. 发音拼写:[ˈpelɪkəns]


1. The pelicans are often seen diving into the water to catch fish.


2. The large beak of a pelican can hold up to three gallons of water.


3. The pelicans’ wingspan can reach up to 10 feet in length.


4. Pelicans are known for their unique ability to scoop up fish in their beaks.


5. There is a colony of pelicans living on the island off the coast.


中文翻译:鹈鹕(tí hú)

读音:tí hú


1. The pelicans flew gracefully across the sky.(鹈鹕在天空中优雅地飞舞。)

2. Australian pelicans have the longest beaks of any bird.(澳大利亚鹈鹕拥有所有鸟类中最长的喙。)

3. Pelicans are expert divers and swimmers.(鹈鹕是潜水和游泳的专家。)




例句:I know that the abscess that grew around my wound after the operation, the 16 ounces of puss, is the contaminated Gulf of Mexico, and there were oil-drenched pelicans inside me and dead floating fish. (我知道会有脓肿 手术后会伤口会长脓肿。16盎司的脓液, 就像是被污染的墨西哥湾, 还有那些浑身沾满油污的鹈鹕 , 和那些漂浮的死鱼。)


例句:Brown pelicans leave these pleasant, balmy seas when fishing opportunities arise further north. (当捕鱼机会向北移动 棕色鹈鹕离开这些舒适温暖的海洋)


pelicans一般作为名词使用,如在white pelicans([网络] 美洲白鹈鹕)等常见短语中出现较多。

white pelicans[网络] 美洲白鹈鹕


1. These pelicans are among the heaviest flying birds in the world, weighing up to 10 kilos. (翻译:这些鹈鹕是世上最笨重的飞鸟 最多重达十公斤)

2. It's a carefree end to the pelicans' journey, but it is the beginning of another. (翻译:鹈鹕的旅程尽头无忧无虑 但对于另一种鸟类来说 这也是其旅程的开始)

3. Just read about pelicans and then write about pelicans in your own voice. (翻译:先读一些关于鹈鹕的东西 然后用你自己的理解 把鹈鹕的知识写下来。)

4. As he raises three young pelicans , the outside world intervenes to teach Storm Boy responsibility and some other crueler lessons of life . (翻译:鹅,外面的世界打扰了这暴风少年的生活,教晓他何谓责任。)

5. Brown Pelicans fly past booms stained by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill at Cat Island, Louisiana. (翻译:路易斯安那猫岛,褐鹈鹕飞过粘上斑斑石油的围油栏。)

6. Pelicans or not, Deyo was sticking to his orders, taking his battlewagons north. (翻译:无论是否是鹈鹕,德约都始终遵守他的命令,将自己的战舰至于以北海面。)

7. But as the fish make their getaway, the pelicans seize their chance and go back to what they know best - plunge diving on to their prey. (翻译:但当它们逃亡之际 鹈鹕抓住了自己的机会 并返回到他们所知道的最佳之地—— 猛烈地向他们的猎物俯冲)

8. Great white pelicans arrive, attracted to the salt-tolerant fish that have been introduced by local fishermen to the lake. (翻译:大白鹈鹕 受到咸水鱼的吸引 也来到了这里 这些咸水鱼是由当地的渔民带来放养到湖里去的)

9. I know that the abscess that grew around my wound after the operation, the 16 ounces of puss, is the contaminated Gulf of Mexico, and there were oil-drenched pelicans inside me and dead floating fish. (翻译:我知道会有脓肿 手术后会伤口会长脓肿。16盎司的脓液, 就像是被污染的墨西哥湾, 还有那些浑身沾满油污的鹈鹕 , 和那些漂浮的死鱼。)

10. The 3-man jury, caring less about the pelicans than jobs votes in favor of Mattiece. (翻译:但是这三人组成的陪审团 为了饭碗罔顾鹈鹕 判给马提斯胜诉)

11. Pelicans or not, Deyo was sticking to his orders, taking his battlewagons north. (翻译:无论是否是鹈鹕,德约都始终遵守他的命令,将自己的战舰至于以北海面。)

12. Migratory waterbirds, from bar-headed geese to ruddy shelducks, crowd into Kaziranga wetlands over the winter with spot-billed pelicans and black-necked storks. (翻译:一些迁徙的水鸟,如斑头雁和红麻鸭,会涌进卡兹兰加的湿地,与这里的斑嘴鹈鹕和黑颈鹤等常驻鸟类一起度过整个冬季; )

13. Pelicans fly to Mullet Island, one of the four Salton Buttes, small volcanoes on the southern San Andreas Fault, after sunset in California. (翻译:在加利福尼亚州日落之后,一群鹈鹕飞往鲻鱼岛,它是沙顿四孤峰中的一个,是圣安德烈亚斯断层南部的一个小火山群。)



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