pentacite是什么意思 pentacite的中文翻译、读音、例句

pentacite是什么意思 pentacite的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Now, the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals. (现在,更新世野生动物保护的倡导者提出了两个主要目标。)


例句:I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it. (我会参考规章制度 知道你一定会无视的)


例句:And we're looking at, again, I constantly cite -- I look at that "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" every year. (还有我时常提及的—— 我年年关注《原子科学家公报》。公报的末日时钟显示: )


1. And we're looking at, again, I constantly cite -- I look at that "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" every year. (翻译:还有我时常提及的—— 我年年关注《原子科学家公报》。公报的末日时钟显示: )

2. We all have to improve on this sort of thing. But oftentimes they'll cite distractions. (翻译:但是我们要改善这种情形,尽管他们常常会举例。)

3. More specifically, they cite a need to shield the new Jewish settlements of Gilo and Har Homa, partially built on old Bethlehem land. (翻译:更特别的是,以色列人认为需要保护新的犹太人定居点Gilo和HarHoma,有一部分建在伯利恒老城的土地上。)

4. Replacement parts that contain the "octa" or "penta" mixtures of PBDE, and if the parts are used in a product manufactured before January 1, 2006. (翻译:用于xx年xx月xx日前生产的产品、含有五溴二苯醚或八溴二苯醚的替换部件。)

5. You know women cite physical bravery as the number one quality in a man? (翻译:你知道女举 物理勇敢的 在男人的头号质量?)

6. When experts cite possible harm from the commercialization of laser enrichment, they often point to Iran. (翻译:当专家列举激光浓缩商业化可能带来的危害时,他们常常指向伊朗。)

7. Counselor, another remark like that and I'll cite you with contempt. (翻译:律师,如果再有像刚才那样的评论,我将看做你藐视法庭)

8. They often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up the contract prices. (翻译:他们常常将高现货价格作为抬高合同价格的砝码。)

9. It is vain to cite Euclidian postulates that "quantities which are equal to the same quantity are equal to each other. " (翻译:引证欧几里得的基本定理“等量之间彼此相等”是没有用的。)

10. But in the United States, in particular, a lot of young people are opting out of having kids, largely cite the same reason: financial concerns. (翻译:但是在另一些区域,尤其是美国, 很多年轻人拒绝生育 给出的都是同一个原因: 经济上的考量。)

11. She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation. (翻译:她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。)

12. It would be an endless task to cite such living examples. (翻译:这样的实例举不胜举。)

13. Media stories often cite extraordinarily high rates of PTSD in soldiers and other groups, Bonanno said. (翻译:媒体总是提到士兵和其他群体创伤后应激障碍的高发病率,布莱诺说。)

14. The officials didn't cite particular reports. (翻译:官员们没有引用特定的报道。)

15. Moutai fans breathlessly cite its revolutionary pedigree and are quick to compare its refinement to Champagne or Scotch. (翻译:茅台迷们喋喋不休地引述茅台酒的革命血统,并迅速地将其与香槟或苏格兰威士忌加以比较。)

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