例句:Tap your pen if you understand. (懂了就敲敲笔 {\3cH202020}Tap your pen if you understand.)
1. I will take that pen and bid you adieu. (翻译:I will take that pen and bid you adieu. 我就拿那只笔走人。)
2. Patrick has a pink pen. Peipei has a purple pen. (翻译:帕特里克有一支粉色笔。佩佩有一支紫色笔。)
3. It's a little mechanical pen that has very, very fast step motors inside of the pen. (翻译:这是一支机械笔, 在这支笔里装有高速步进电机。)
4. The control rods are made of boron which absorbs neutrons. (翻译:控制棒是由能够吸收中子的硼元素制成。)
5. - Ms. Miller, this pen is all dried out. (翻译:米勒老师 这支笔没水了 Ms. Miller, this pen is all dried out.)
6. Bookend your closet rods with fancy shelf brackets. (翻译:用华丽的三角支架装饰吊衣杆的尾端。)
7. You have a pen or a pencil? (翻译:You have a pen or a pencil? 手边有笔么?)
8. The test section was composed of transparent vertical annuluses. The shape and size of electric heating rods were similar to nuclear fuel rods. (翻译:试验本体采用了透明的垂直环形通道,电加热元件的尺寸及形状与核燃料元件相同。)
9. The adjusting rods can be also slantwise arranged on the supporting rods to adapt to the needs of placing trays having different diameters. (翻译:且调节杆还可以斜置于支撑杆上,以适应放置多种不同直径的盘碟。)
10. Company in ordance with international standards of production ball-point pen / advertising pen / gift pen / semi-metal pen / drawing pencil / Lanyard pens, ball pens and other essories. (翻译:公司按照国际标准生产圆珠笔/广告笔/礼品笔/半金属笔/拉画笔/挂绳笔、圆珠笔配件等。)
11. The guide plate is slidably connected to the guide rods. (翻译:导向板可滑动地连接到导向杆。)
12. There is a pen and some erasers. (翻译:那儿有一支钢笔和几块橡皮。)
13. This pen is useless. (翻译:这支笔没用了。)
14. I think I left my pen in there. (翻译:- Penny? - What? 我好像把笔落里面了 I think I left my pen in there.)
15. Signs, banners, end rods and anvils mirrored incorrectly. (翻译:牌子,旗帜,末地棍,以及铁砧镜像不正常。)