penso是什么意思 penso的中文翻译、读音、例句

penso是什么意思 penso的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Penso che il tempo sia bello oggi. (我觉得今天天气很好。)

2. Penso che hai ragione. (我认为你是正确的。)

3. Penso che questa sia una buona idea. (我认为这是个好主意。)

4. Penso di andare al cinema stasera. (我打算今晚去看电影。)

5. Penso che Maria abbia bisogno di una pausa. (我认为玛丽亚需要休息一下。)

6. Penso che questo libro sia molto interessante. (我认为这本书很有趣。)

7. Penso che dobbiamo fare qualcosa per risolvere questo problema. (我认为我们需要采取一些措施来解决这个问题。)

8. Penso che la mia squadra vinca la partita. (我认为我的队会赢得比赛。)





例句:I am talking about State Pen. (我说的可是监狱 I am talking about state pen.)


例句:So you steal his pen, then you lie to him, then you lie to the Six. (因此你就偷了他的笔 然后对他撒谎 接着又对6号撒谎)


1. In the pen beside him is Jasmine. (翻译:在它边上围栏里的那头叫Jasmine。)

2. Are you-Are you just trying to steal the pen? (翻译:Are you -Are you just trying to steal the pen? 你是不是要偷我的笔?)

3. To the ice pick, the decanter or the fountain pen. (翻译:碎冰锥 酒瓶 还有钢笔 To the ice pick, the decanter or the fountain pen.)

4. Okay, imagine your problems are a pen. (翻译:这样 Okay, 把你纠结的问题想象成一支笔 imagine your problems are a pen.)

5. Well... This pen works and I personally love this pen... (翻译:这支笔很容易写 我个人很喜欢这支笔...)

6. Daniel nibbled on his pen. (翻译:丹尼尔轻轻咬着他的钢笔。)

7. A soldering pen, or flip the switch... (翻译:这么看是烙铁 或者转换开关 a soldering pen, or flip the switch...)

8. Oh, he wanted me to smell a pen, and I was going to smell the pen, because it's Adriano... (翻译:哦,他想让我去嗅这支笔 我正要闻来着 - 毕竟他可是阿德里亚诺啊...)

9. That would mean using a pen. (翻译:发短信就相当于用笔写字了 That would mean using a pen.)

10. -What's with the face, Pen? (翻译:- 你脸上那是什么, 嗯? - 什么脸上?)

11. I will take that pen and bid you adieu. (翻译:I will take that pen and bid you adieu. 我就拿那只笔走人。)

12. It's a little mechanical pen that has very, very fast step motors inside of the pen. (翻译:这是一支机械笔, 在这支笔里装有高速步进电机。)

13. Thus, with an extra tap of a pen, the immediately following pen operation works as if it were performed in normal mode. (翻译:因此,利用附加的敲笔动作,其后紧接的笔操作就像在正常模式中进行的笔操作一样。)

14. Deserves the travail of a worthier pen. (翻译:值得更好的大手笔苦费心机; )

15. I started to think about when I was in the pen. (翻译:我开始在想,当我在围栏里的时候 I started to think about when I was in the pen.)

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