例句:After this feast called Pentecost, they lost no time in marching against Gorgias, governor of Idumea. (过了所谓的五旬节以后,他们又出发进攻依舍默雅的总督哥尔基雅。)
例句:The Church is not the continuation of God's Old Testament people, but a distinct body born on the Day of Pentecost. (教会不是旧约中神的子民的延续,而是在五旬节诞生的独特群体。)
例句:Before cars came into general use, an expedition in pursuit of arion was a major exercise in planning and logistics. (在普遍使用汽车以前,一次捕捉大蓝蝶的行动是需要周密的计划与后勤保障。)
pentecostarion一般作为名词使用,如在Pentecostarion([网络] 复活期里典;五旬节式)等常见短语中出现较多。
Pentecostarion | [网络] 复活期里典;五旬节式 |
1. Before cars came into general use, an expedition in pursuit of arion was a major exercise in planning and logistics. (翻译:在普遍使用汽车以前,一次捕捉大蓝蝶的行动是需要周密的计划与后勤保障。)
2. I like Male- bean, I can cuddle with Arion sleeping, but I haven't cuddle with Mommy yet. (翻译:我喜欢男生。我可以靠在大仔身旁睡觉,但是我还不会靠在妈妈身边睡觉。)
3. So the Word of God was not Peter's sword that Pentecost morning. It was the Spirit's sword. (翻译:所以在圣灵降临的早上,神的话并不是彼得的话,而是圣灵的剑。)
4. It was followed by the Eucharist, Eastern and Pentecost were the times of such joint sacramental occasions. (翻译:后面是圣餐仪式。复活节和圣灵降临节是这种合办的典礼仪式的时机。)
5. In general, what was given to Earth at Pentecost was the "Spirit of Truth. " (翻译:大体上,在圣灵降临节被给予地球的是“真理之灵”。)
6. The Bible says that 50 days after the death of Jesus the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at the Jewish feast of Pentecost. (翻译:圣经说在耶稣受难50天后, 圣灵在犹太教的五旬节 降临到使徒们身上。)
7. That sermon you preached every year at Pentecost, about the gifts of the Spirit, one was the gift of prophecy. (翻译:每年圣灵降临节你作布道时说的 圣灵的恩赐 其中一种恩赐就是预言)
8. Pilate will visit the temple on Pentecost. (翻译:彼拉多明天打算亲自造访神庙 Pilate will visit the temple on Pentecost.)
9. Pentecost spirituality bursts out beyond the quiet prayer meeting of the upper room. It spills out into the city streets. (翻译:五旬节圣灵的能力冲破楼房内静静进行的祷告会,满溢流进城市街道。)