per month是什么意思 per month的中文翻译、读音、例句

per month是什么意思 per month的中文翻译、读音、例句

per month的意思是"每月",在日常中也代表"每月"的意思,发音音标为[permonth],per month常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到41个与per month相关的句子。

Per month的词典翻译


例句:It is not uncommon for the average firefighter in Huntington to deal with or see up to five young deaths per month. (对于亨廷顿的普通消防队员来说, 在一个月内眼看着五个年轻生命 逝去,并不是一件稀罕事。)


per month一般作为名词使用,如在interest per month(月息)、per calendar month([网络] 每月)、rate per month(un. 月率)等常见短语中出现较多。

interest per month月息
per calendar month[网络] 每月
rate per monthun. 月率
month by month逐月
for month好几个月以来
in a month[网络] 一个月后;一个月以后;一个月吧
this month本月
month after monthxx月又xx月, 每月


1. One Laptop Per Child,children,computers,design,education,global issues,philanthropy,politics,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,children,computers,design,education,global issues,philanthropy,politics,technology)

2. One Laptop Per Child,activism,computers,design,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,activism,computers,design,technology)

3. How much weight have you lost in the last month? (翻译:How much weight have you lost in the last month?)

4. The payees are allowed to accrue 1 extra day per month. (翻译:受款人有权每月额外增加一天。)

5. The remaining 500 yuan per month, can be used as the daily life of imprest, for emergency use. (翻译:每个月余下的500元,可以作为日常生活的备用金,以备不时之需。)

6. Like a month, not the full four months. (翻译:那你来的时间短一点如何? Like a month, not the full four months. Just come for a month.)

7. Otherwise, it wi be visibe next month (翻译:it wi be visibe next month)

8. The WTI benchmark price has now risen 10 per cent in the last month. (翻译:最近一个月,该品种原油价格的累计涨幅已高达10%。)

9. Meat was rationed to a few hundred grams per person per month at one point. (翻译:上海一时每人每月的肉类定额 是300克. )

10. And it was [unclear] Tata Trust, which gave me six rupees per month, almost a dollar per month for six years. (翻译:这时候,Tata基金会给我每个月6卢布的资助, 将近1美金一个月,持续了xx年。)

11. Sarah, their birth dates are all within a month of yours. (翻译:their birth dates are all within a month of yours.)

12. They could only recieve one visit from a family member per month. (翻译:犯人永远不允许交谈;每个月家人只能探监一次; )

13. Wewill measure consumption generally as units per period of time, e. g. French fries consumed per month. (翻译:我们将从总体上计算一个时间段的消费量,比如:一个月吃多少薯条。)

14. It's worth 6 yuan per share right now, and it 'sonly been a month! (翻译:仅仅只有一个月的时间,现在仅值6元每股! )

15. In addition, he said, the drug's dosing schedule is only once per month. (翻译:此外,这种药物的给药方案只能是每月一次。)

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