percent finer是什么意思 percent finer的中文翻译、读音、例句

percent finer是什么意思 percent finer的中文翻译、读音、例句

percent finer在英语中代表"小粒重率"的意思,还经常被翻译为小粒重率,读音为[percentfiner],percent finer来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到42个与percent finer相关的例句。

Percent finer的中文翻译


例句:Heather Dunbar at 32 percent. (希瑟·邓巴的支持率为32% Heather Dunbar at 32 percent.)


percent finer一般作为名词使用,如在finer(a. 出色的, 好的)、percent(百分之 )、finer abrasive(细磨料)等常见短语中出现较多。

finera. 出色的, 好的
finer abrasive细磨料
finer feelings[网络] 美好的感情;侵蚀;腐蚀
finer partition更细分割
finer points微妙处;细节;微妙难解之处
finer relation较细关系
finer switch寻觅(机)键, 寻觅(机)键
finer wire[材] 细钢丝


1. Finer etching begets higher-performing microchips, and that's just a start. (翻译:更精细的刻蚀技术可以孕育更高性能的微芯片,而这仅仅是开始。)

2. The one percent of the one percent. (翻译:一百个富人[百分之一]中的一个 The one percent of the one percent.)

3. I think it may need sticks or a much finer fork. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}我想我需要一双 筷子或很薄的叉子。{\1cH00FF00}没问题。)

4. Ninety-six percent of them said no. (翻译:96%的人不想 Ninety -six percent of them said no.)

5. Guys, these next three days, 15%. (翻译:各位 在接下来的三天 会飙升至15% Guys, these next three days, 15 percent.)

6. Miss need something more? Oh no, just a finer fork. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}没了,只有薄叉。)

7. -Oh, it's the same. -Oh, hundred percent adorable. (翻译:hundred percent adorable.)

8. Penal Code 667.5 requires that you serve a minimum of 85 percent of these terms. (翻译:Penal Code 667.5 requires that you serve a minimum of 85 percent of these terms.)

9. I just want to be, and I am 100 percent off the grid. (翻译:我想要的只是彻底消失 也做到了 I just want to be, and I am 100 percent off the grid.)

10. Twenty-two percent remain undecided. (翻译:-two percent remain undecided. 你可以换台 You can switch it.)

11. There will be a ten percent discount on tickets for everyone. (翻译:你们将会获得 There will be a ten percent discount 门票9折的优惠. on tickets for everyone.)

12. InnoDB uses a finer grain of locking mechanism, row-level locking. (翻译:InnoDB使用更小粒度的锁定机制行级别的锁定。)

13. I appreciate the finer things. (翻译:我也懂得品味高雅 I appreciate the finer things.)

14. We agreed, Amelia... 90 percent. (翻译:我们说好的 艾米莉亚... We agreed, Amelia... 90%的诚实 90 percent.)

15. - How about ninety nine percent? (翻译:不管你怎么不确定 How about ninety nine percent?)

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