mesembrene是什么意思 mesembrene的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesembrene是什么意思 mesembrene的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Dedee, did you talk to Mr. Rene? (Dedee, 你和Ren说过了吗? - 是的 但是他没同意)


1. B1/p, B1/b1 , B1/b2, B1/b3, type B2, B2/b... This is the survey done on the spot. There you are. (翻译:B1/B3 户型B2 B2/B 这个是实地考察后的结果)

2. The products of alkoxide hydrolysis are tested by XRD, Optical Microscope, Laser Particle Sizer, and SEM. (翻译:采用XRD、光学显微镜、激光粒度分析仪和SEM对水解产物进行性能检测。)

3. The pipe ettringite was first observed by SEM in recent years. (翻译:管状钙矾石是近年来在SEM中首次被观测到。)

4. Look, when we get out of here, we want part of the stash that you stole from Rene. (翻译:听着,等我们出去后 你得把从Rene那里偷来的钱分我们一些)

5. Rene, that is not... that is not your money, Rene! (翻译:Rene,那不是... 那不是你的钱,Rene!)

6. You will not drive nails into me, not you ! B flat, B flat, B flat! (翻译:你不能给我钉钉子,决不能是你 降B调,降B调,降B调!)

7. Rene Descartes would be proud. (翻译:勒内笛卡尔会感到骄傲的。)

8. SEM Study on the Stereoscopic Structures of Cortical Cytoskeleton in Euplotes sp. (翻译:游仆虫皮层细胞骨架立体结构的研究。)

9. Better to contact your agent or Rene... (翻译:我觉得最好跟她的经纪人联系 或者联系勒内)

10. - Ah, yes. You know? Rene told me about him. (翻译:Ren和我说过他 我会用另一种方式来解决这个事儿)

11. It was testified by sem that the dentinal tubule was sealed by semiconductor laser irradiation. (翻译:扫描电镜显示,用半导体激光仪照射后,牙本质小管口被封闭。)

12. If Rene didn't want to help, he wouldn't have called me in a panic, would he? (翻译:如果Rene不想救他 他也不会急着叫我过来,对吗?)

13. Rene Mendy sells goods in the streets of Dakar, Senegal. (翻译:RRene Mendy在塞内加尔达喀尔市的街道上卖东西。)

14. These are by δΘΣτΘP⌠B⌠Θ which is Greek to me. (翻译:这些都是由δΘΣτΘPSSΘ这是希腊给我。)

15. XRD, SEM and single gas permeance were characterized to the ZSM-5 zeolite membranes. (翻译:用XRD, SEM和单组分气体的渗透对膜进行了表征。)

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