perilobulitis是什么意思 perilobulitis的中文翻译、读音、例句

perilobulitis是什么意思 perilobulitis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:This is coulombs per charge and this is coulombs per mole. (这是每电荷库伦,这是每摩尔库伦。)


例句:My hair is growing at the rate of 4.6 yoctometers per femtosecond. (4.6幺米的速度生长着 of 4.6 yoctometers per femtosecond.)


1. One Laptop Per Child,children,computers,design,education,global issues,philanthropy,politics,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,children,computers,design,education,global issues,philanthropy,politics,technology)

2. In a recent report the ILO projected several scenarios for 2009. (翻译:该组织出炉的最新报告为xx年设计了几个前景。)

3. The ILO also says the United States is reporting slightly higher rates of unemployment than Europe. (翻译:国际劳工组织同时也称美国报告的失业率比欧洲的稍高。)

4. More miles per gallon, more light per watt, more words per minute. (翻译:每升汽油开更多公里, 每瓦电带来更多光亮, 每分钟写出更多字。)

5. 180 milligrams per deciliter. (翻译:每公升含1800毫克 你的确得了糖尿病 {\3cH202020}180 milligrams per deciliter.)

6. The pressure here is a crushing eight tons per square inch. (翻译:这里的压力达到了每平方英寸8吨 The pressure here is a crushing eight tons per square inch.)

7. logistics alliance; SMSs; bulit-in outsourcing alliance; trust relationship; profit distribution. (翻译:物流联盟;中小企业;内置外包联盟;信任关系利润分配。)

8. One Laptop Per Child,children,design,education,entrepreneur,global issues,philanthropy,social change,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,children,design,education,entrepreneur,global issues,philanthropy,social change,technology)

9. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, per omnia saecula saeculorum. (翻译:你们要靠主常常喜乐 永永远远 阿门 Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, per omnia saecula saeculorum.)

10. You shared in that profit per the settlement. (翻译:你可以从中获利 You shared in that profit per the settlement.)

11. Moles per liter per second. (翻译:摩尔每升每秒。)

12. Nobody can guarantee that. (翻译:空中交通控制 per civilian and military,)

13. Five to ten hairs per area, amounting to approximately 100 hairs. (翻译:各取五到十根头发 Five to ten hairs per area, 总数大概是一百根 amounting to approximately 100 hairs.)

14. The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week. (翻译:肉类的配给量降到了每人每周一磅。)

15. Allowing trade unions was a " momentous policy decision " commented Steve Marshall, the ILO's official in Myanmar. (翻译:允许工会成立是一个“重大的政治决策”,国际劳工组织在缅官员史蒂夫•马歇尔如此评价。)

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