1. La periodista entrevistó al presidente para su programa de televisión.(这位记者采访了总统,为她的电视节目做准备。)
2. Los periodistas de este medio de comunicación son muy críticos con el gobierno.(这个媒体的记者对政府非常批评。)
3. El periodista deportivo informó sobre el gol del equipo local.(这位体育记者报道了本地团队的进球。)
4. La periodista de investigación descubrió un gran escándalo económico.(这位调查记者曝光了一起大型经济丑闻。)
5. Los periodistas asistieron a la conferencia de prensa del actor famoso.(记者们参加了这位著名演员的新闻发布会。)
6. El periodista internacional informó sobre la situación en el conflicto armado.(这位国际记者报道了武装冲突的局势。)
7. La periodista freelance escribe para varios medios de comunicación.(这位自由职业记者为多个媒体撰写文章。)
8. Los periodistas de investigaciones especiales ganaron el premio Pulitzer.(这些特别调查记者获得了普利策奖。)
9. La periodista cultural escribió una crítica sobre la última exposición de arte.(这位文化记者写了一篇针对最新艺术展的评论。)
例句:Is the boss of this company Ta-f Xu? (这间公司的老板是不是徐大富? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Is the boss of this company Ta -f Xu?)
例句:No, ta. Won't be stopping. (绝不会留下丝毫能指向我的证据,比如说那个有名字的戒指。)
例句:Let me tell you, in addition to Ta-f my Xu outside (in addition to Ta -f my Xu outside)
例句:Ta-fei... is the concrete ready? (翻译:大块... 水泥好了没有? 可以吊上来啦!)
1. Let me tell you, in addition to Ta-f my Xu outside (翻译:in addition to Ta -f my Xu outside)
2. Ta-fei... is the concrete ready? (翻译:大块... 水泥好了没有? 可以吊上来啦!)
3. People refer this as the Hungry Tigress period (翻译:有人叫这阶段做虎狼之年 PeopIe refer this as the Hungry Tigress period)
4. Bop Ta has visited North Korea almost 100 times, sometimes checking the recipients of handouts. (翻译:Bop Ta 已走访朝鲜近100次,有时检查救济对象。)
5. Tell you, in addition to I slowly Ta-f outside (翻译:in addition to I slowly Ta -f outside)
6. Finish your cigarette quietly. (翻译:Termines tranquillement ta cigarette.)
7. If this were any other client, we would be advising him to take a plea. (翻译:如果这是其他客户的案子 我们会建TA接受辩诉交易的)
8. He used a period instead of a question mark. (翻译:他结尾用的句号而不是问号 He used a period instead of a question mark.)
9. # Des fois tu crois voir ta chance tourner (翻译:∮ Des fois tu crois voir ta chance tourner ∮)
10. In America they say a period stop. (翻译:美国人把句号称作“period stop”,)
11. What period are we talking about? (翻译:- 这是哪个时代的? - 哪个... - What period are we talking about?)
12. Master Bin, we fixed a period of 5 days (翻译:we fixed a period of 5 days)
13. My daughter, your niece, your sponsored child has an abnormal name. (翻译:我女儿 你侄女有个不寻常的名字 Ma fille, ta nièce, ta filleule, a un prénom anormal?)
14. I watch the Veg-Ta-Bills with my six-year-old son. (翻译:我和我xx岁的儿子一起看Veg -Ta -Bills)
15. We requested to visit a small village. Ta Zai Tuan£¬1628 inhabitants. (翻译:我们要求参观一个村庄 Ta Zai Tuan,它有1628个村民)