periodical increment通常被翻译为"周期生长量"的意思,作为名词时有"周期生长量"的意思,在线发音:[periodicalincrement],periodical increment是一个英语名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到56个与periodical increment相关的例句。
Periodical increment的释义
例句:The change type describes the semanteme of increment information and data delta describes the content of increment information. (提出了基于时空变化类型和数据差的增量信息概念,变化类型描述增量信息的语义,数据差表达增量信息的内容。)
periodical increment一般作为名词使用,如在periodical(期刊 )、increment(增加 )、evaluation of periodical(期刊评鉴法)等常见短语中出现较多。
periodical | 期刊 |
increment | 增加 |
evaluation of periodical | 期刊评鉴法 |
legal periodical | 法律期刊 |
non periodical | un. 非周期性的\n[网络] 不定期 |
periodical attack | 周期性发作 |
periodical audit | [经] 定期审计 |
periodical blowdown | 定期排污 |
periodical change | 周期性变化 |
1. Have you heard the term billing increment? (翻译:您是否听说过计费增量这个术语? )
2. Telemann also founded a periodical that published new music, much of it by Telemann. (翻译:泰勒曼还创立了出版新音乐的期刊,大部分作品都出自他手。)
3. The VH-71 program includes several test aircraft, five Increment 1 lesser-equipped but operational helicopters, and 23 Increment 2 helos that would have had the full range of options. (翻译:VH - 71计划包括多个测试飞机,5架Increment 1配置较低装备的业务直升机和23架Increment 2直升机,将是其充分的选择范围。)
4. For each of these two people, we then increment n by 1. (翻译:对于两人中的每一个人, 我们把n增加1。)
5. It all started with an article in a NY periodical in 1974. (翻译:这一切都源于xx年纽约州一个期刊的一篇文章)
6. She made periodical visits to her dentist. (翻译:她定期去看牙医。)
7. Increment material number of all elements in the given pattern by MINC each time after the first. (翻译:每次复制元素时,相对应材料号码的增加量。)
8. The increment of the filled CNT strength for the two cases is much larger than that of axial compression. (翻译:这与压缩情况显著不同,填充使抗弯曲和抗扭转能力获得很大提高。)
9. The increment of both rotating rate and kiln slope monotonously reduces MRT and increases MVF. (翻译:回转窑转速的提高和倾角的增大都使得MRT减少,MVF增大;)
10. OUR Tene Earnest Working, Professional Management, Increment Service. (翻译:我们的宗旨用心做事,专业管理,增值服务。)
11. The quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months. (翻译:季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。)
12. The increasing weight gain by UGF surces is not caused by the increment of protein retention rate. (翻译:未鉴定生长因子提高增重不是由于蛋白质存留率提高。)
13. Fourthly, in line with its changes in content, the periodical enjoyed more artistical designs and more regularized formalities. (翻译:第四,与内容变化相协调,《小说月报》设计更富艺术性,体例更为规范。)
14. It's easy to overlook periodical and seasonal expenses when formulating your budget. (翻译:在你计算你的预算的时候,很容易就忽略定期花费和节日花费。)
15. With the increment of differentiated spikelets, the retrograded spikelets increased significantly. (翻译:随着颖花分化数的增加,颖花退化数有显著的增加。)