perlman是什么意思 perlman的中文翻译、读音、例句

perlman是什么意思 perlman的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Perlman可能指的是人名或品牌名称,也可能是缩写词。其中,Perlman作为人名最初是指以色列出生的美国小提琴家伊薇特·珀尔曼(Itzhak Perlman),但是在现代技术领域中,Perlman也经常用来指代计算机科学家和工程师Radia Perlman,她是网络技术领域的顶尖人物之一。作为品牌名称,Perlman是一家提供餐饮和住宿服务的公司。作为缩写词,Perlman可能指代各种技术术语,如“Persistent Entity Representational Language MANager”(持久实体表示语言管理器)。

2. 人名:伊薇特·珀尔曼(Itzhak Perlman)是世界著名的小提琴家之一,曾获得过多个格莱美奖,他的代表作品包括《小提琴协奏曲》和《独奏小提琴曲》。

例句:Itzhak Perlman is a world-renowned violinist who has won multiple Grammy Awards for his performances.

3. 计算机科学家和工程师:Radia Perlman是一位计算机科学家和工程师,她发明了许多网络协议,如STP(Spanning Tree Protocol)和TRILL(Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links),这些协议为网络通信提供了可靠性和安全性。

例句:Radia Perlman is widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of network engineering due to her groundbreaking work on STP and other protocols.

4. 餐饮和住宿服务:Perlman是一家在北卡罗来纳州提供高端餐饮和住宿服务的公司,其酒店、餐厅和活动场所都以豪华和精致而著称。

例句:Perlman's hotel and restaurant are popular with tourists and locals alike due to their exquisite cuisine and luxurious amenities.

5. 技术术语:Perlman作为缩写词,可能代表各种技术术语,如“Persistent Entity Representational Language MANager”(持久实体表示语言管理器),这些术语主要涉及计算机编程和网络通信。

例句:The Perlman protocol is a widely-used network security standard that helps ensure data privacy and protection against cyber attacks.



1. Linda Perlman has been a successful lawyer for over 20 years. (琳达·珀尔曼已经成功地做了20多年的律师。)

2. The Perlman family is planning a reunion next month. (珀尔曼家族计划下个月举行聚会。)




例句:"The result of that merger will likely be an active elliptical galaxy, similar to M87, " Perlman said. (这个合并的结果很可能是像M87这样的活跃的椭圆星系。)


例句:I decided to ask, of all people, Itzhak Perlman. (我决定请教一下他人, 伊扎克·帕尔曼。)


例句:Well, Rabbi Perlman's breath is so bad, it makes God question why he even bothered creating the universe. (铂尔曼老师的嘴很臭 上帝都在质疑 他怎么会造出这样的人)


例句:I know that, and you know that, but that night Itzhak Perlman refused to. (翻译:我知道这一点,你也知道,但是那晚,伊扎克·帕尔曼向这一基本常识提出挑战。)


perlman一般作为名词使用,如在Perlman(n. (Perlman)人名;(英)珀尔曼;(法、德、葡、芬、罗)佩尔曼)、itzhak perlman([网络] 帕尔曼;小提琴家帕尔曼;伊扎克·帕尔曼)等常见短语中出现较多。

Perlmann. (Perlman)人名;(英)珀尔曼;(法、德、葡、芬、罗)佩尔曼
itzhak perlman[网络] 帕尔曼;小提琴家帕尔曼;伊扎克·帕尔曼


1. Well, Rabbi Perlman's breath is so bad, it makes God question why he even bothered creating the universe. (翻译:铂尔曼老师的嘴很臭 上帝都在质疑 他怎么会造出这样的人)

2. I know that, and you know that, but that night Itzhak Perlman refused to. (翻译:我知道这一点,你也知道,但是那晚,伊扎克·帕尔曼向这一基本常识提出挑战。)

3. There are financiers, of course, but this year's attendees also included violinist Itzhak Perlman and Rusty Staub , a baseball legend turned Burgundy aficionado. (翻译:金融家当然是有的,但今年的出席者还包括小提琴家伊扎克·帕尔曼和变成了勃艮第迷的棒球传奇人物鲁斯蒂·斯托布。)

4. Perlman is an American 4-time Emmy Award winning actress, best known for her role as Carla Tortelli on the sitcom Cheers. (翻译:珀尔曼是一个获得过4次艾美奖最佳女演员荣誉的美国人,她最著名的角色就是在连续剧《干杯》中饰演CarlaTortelli一角。)

5. We're looking for a Dr. Sylvia Pearlman. (翻译:我们在找Sylvia Perlman医生)

6. "She contrasted the androgyny of her men's jackets with that big hairdo, " Ms. Perlman said. (翻译:“男士款的夹克和夸张的发式形成了她特有的中性风格,”帕尔曼说。)

7. Come in, darling. Peaches, this is Maya Perlman, a foreign pupil from France. (翻译:过来,亲爱的 孩子们,这位是玛雅・佩尔曼)

8. Let me start by thanking you, Chancellor Perlman, for your kind invitation and warm introduction. (翻译:首先,我感谢珀尔曼校长的盛情邀请和热情介绍。)

9. She trained an amazing roster of violin virtuosos: Midori, Sarah Chang, Itzhak Perlman. (翻译:她培养了一大批杰出的小提琴演奏家: 美岛莉, 张莎拉,伊扎克·帕尔曼等。)

10. On Nov.18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the violinist, came on stage to give a concert. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,小提琴家伊扎克·帕尔曼将要举办一场音乐会。)

11. If you audio-videos ever asrecl posty in a Perlman concert- you know that getting on stage is no smasl the way come for him. (翻译:假使你一经听过帕尔曼的音乐会,你就知道对他来说走上舞台可不是一件便当的事情。)

12. “She contrasted the androgyny of her men’s jackets with that big hairdo, ” Ms. Perlman said. (翻译:“男士款的夹克和夸张的发式形成了她特有的中性风格,”帕尔曼说。)

13. Jaime Perlman, the art director of British Vogue, actually calls some of the vintage pieces in her wardrobe "Elaine dresses. " (翻译:英国版《Vogue》的艺术总监杰米·帕尔曼直接把自己衣柜中一些复古裙装叫做“伊莲裙”。)



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