perlative是什么意思 perlative的中文翻译、读音、例句

perlative是什么意思 perlative的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Perl has long enjoyed excellent database support via the DBD/DBI modules. (Perl 长期以来一直通过 DBD/DBI 模块享有卓越的数据库支持。)


例句:Ive saved more than Ivve sacrificed, Doctor. (ゑ癣и珸毕摸ㄓ弧硂翴碾セ稬ぃì笵痴)


1. But, as far as ive known her, everybodys always given her a hard time. (翻译:但是,据我所了解,现在每个人都在让她难堪。)

2. Ive done what you asked, now let me go, this instant- (翻译:и竒弧暗и硂俐丁)

3. Perl-based approaches to application configuration range from XML or YAML to the Getopt module to Perl code in the configuration file. (翻译:基于Perl配置应用程序的方法包括,从XML或YAML到Getopt模块,到配置文件中的Perl代码。)

4. You had used regexps for egrep, sed, and perl; now try building it for plain grep. (翻译:前面已经使用了适用于egrep、sed和perl的regexp,现在我们将尝试构建适用于普通grep的regexp。)

5. Perl The instructions in this technical article were tested with ActivePerl version (翻译:perl本技术文章中给出的安装说明已使用ActivePerl version进行了测试。)

6. The solution is to use AutoLoader, which ACTS a bit like a dynamic loader for Perl modules. (翻译:解决方案是使用AutoLoader,其作用类似于Perl模块的动态加载程序。)

7. Nowadays, Internet search engine is booming, and Baidu and Google have achieved impre ive succe . (翻译:当今互联网搜索引擎发展的如火如荼,百度和谷歌两家公司都取得了骄人的成绩。)

8. Utgarde Keep is one of the most visually impre ive edifices in all of World of Warcraft. (翻译:乌特加德是《魔兽世界》乌特加德城堡任务中最触目惊心的建筑物之一。)

9. i have to, ive already booked the tickets just think about it alright. (翻译:无论如何我是去定了。我必须得去,我已经定好票了 你考虑考虑,好吧.)

10. Spot ads are the most expe ive and usually the most effective. (翻译:电视和收音机优秀广告用语广告的费用最贵,而效果通常也最好。)

11. Look, everything Ive done has been in pursuit of Cerberus goals... (翻译:帝и┮┮常琌笷Θ辽缃吹ヘ夹)

12. The downside of these approaches is, of course, that the Perl programmer will pick one of these and disregard the others. (翻译:这些方法的结果就是,Perl程序员选择这些方法中的一种,同时忽视其他的。)

13. In PERL, the MIME type is set by writing it out at the start of the page, before any other content. (翻译:在Perl语言中,MIME类型在网页最开始声明,在任何其他内容之前。)

14. Ive tried, but failed. (翻译:我试过,但失败了。)

15. Lenders are looking to avoid taking on exce ive risk by focusing on existing customers. (翻译:债权方通过专注现有的客户,试图避免承担跟多的风险。)

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